Applicants are advised to consult the relevant Alphacrucis (AC) University College Course of Study Handbook for course specific academic entry requirements and indicative student enrolments.
AC's Future Students team are here to help you navigate AC's admissions requirements an answer any questions you might have about AC's application process.
Admission into an AC course of study is based on an applicant's most relevant study or work background.
Applicants with recent secondary education
Applicants with recent secondary education are those whose admission is primarily based on the completion of Year 12 within the last two years, but also includes those who may have completed their senior secondary studies with a TAFE or other VET provider within the same time frame. This includes applicants whose secondary education was undertaken interstate or overseas.
You can use the results you obtained from your secondary education to apply for entry at AC, including:
- Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
- Overall Position in Queensland (OP)
- International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Overseas secondary qualifications considered equivalent to Australian studies
ATAR-related thresholds
The guaranteed entry ATAR (or equivalent) for Australian year 12 students seeking entry into an undergraduate course of study in higher education (HE) is 65.
Admission into an AC Vocational Education and Training (VET) course of study does not require an ATAR.
Special Admission Pathways are also available for Year 12 students whose ATAR (or equivalent) falls within 5 points of this rank but have done well in subjects relevant to the course of study. These Special Admission Pathways are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Program Director and then tabled for approval by the Admissions Committee. See the Special Admission Pathway topic for information about applying for a Special Admission Pathway.
Applicants with higher education study
Applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is either a complete Higher Education (HE) course. This includes study at university and non-university higher education providers, whether recent (such as students seeking to transfer to AC from another higher education provider or transferring to another course at AC or some time ago. This also includes students who have completed a bridging course.
Applicants with vocational education and training study
Applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is either a complete or partially complete Vocational Education and Training (VET) course. This includes study at a public TAFE or other VET provider. Students may have other qualifications such as Year 10 or Year 12 secondary school certificate.
Applicants with work and life experience
AC recognises that many aspects of a person’s life experience may result in the development of skills, abilities and knowledge that relate directly to the ability to undertake tertiary study successfully. Applicants who left secondary education more than two years previously (i.e. who are not classified as recent secondary education applicants) and have not undertaken VET or higher education study since then may be eligible for admission on the basis of their work and life experience.
- If you are under the age of 21 at the time of commencement, you can apply for a prescribed program of undergraduate (HE) non-award study on the basis of provisional entry, and complete the provisional entry qualifying period to become a full candidate.
- If you are over the age of 21 at the time of commencement, you can apply to undergraduate (HE) courses on the basis of provisional entry, and complete the provisional entry qualifying period to become a full candidate.
For further information, please see AC's Higher Education Provisional Entry Policy.
Professional Entry
Professional Entry applicants are those who are applying for a postgraduate coursework (Levels 8 or 9) or Higher Degree Research (HDR) (Level 9 or 10) course of study without having a prior required degree but can demonstrate an appropriate level of professional experience. AC’s Professional Entry Criteria Policy outlines the eligibility requirements for admission into a postgraduate and HDR course of study on the basis of professional entry.
Your previous study, work experience or training may count as credit towards your course. This can reduce both the length and cost of your course. If you think you might be eligible for advanced standing (credit transfer), follow the steps outlined below.
- A formal application must be submitted using the online Application for Credit Transfer or Recognised Prior Learning (RPL).
- Students should provide supporting certified documentation to demonstrate the equivalence of the subject(s)/unit(s) for which credit transfer or RPL is sought.
- Where studies were taken at an international institution, NOOSR checks are to be performed to correlate the award against the AQF.
AC limits the award of advanced standing/credit transfer to a two thirds maximum. That is students must complete no less than one third of a total program as University College AC-enrolled students.
Further information on advanced standing, credit transfer from prior formal academic accomplishments, and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) from informal learning are outlined in AC’s Credit Transfer and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.
Cross institutional students
Students enrolled in another course of study at an institution other than AC may wish to take a subject at AC for credit toward their course. These students are required to complete an Application Form for admission and will need to complete the AC Enrolment Form.
Applicants from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom or United States of America are exempt from demonstrating English language proficiency. Applicants must submit either an Australian Citizenship Certificate, Australian Birth Certificate or passport from Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom or United States of America as proof of identity to qualify for this exemption.
All other students are required to demonstrate English language proficiency. This may be demonstrated in the following ways:
- Completion of at least five (5) years of secondary studies or a Certificate IV (or higher) in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom or United States of America;
- Completion of secondary studies or a Certificate IV (or higher) in Australia within two (2) years from the time of commencement at AC; or
- Completion of an approved English language proficiency test within two (2) years from the time of commencement at AC.
AC accepts the following English language proficiency test:
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System) - Academic only
- PTE (Pearson Test of English)
- Test of English as a Foreign Language - Internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) - Please note: A score for a TOEFL iBT Test taken on or after 26 July 2023 will no longer satisfy the English language requirement for Student Visa purposes. Only TOEFL iBT scores from a test taken on or before 25 July 2023 are accepted for Student Visa purposes.
- CAE (Cambridge English: Advanced)
Students are required to have attained an International English Language Testing Service (IELTS) score or equivalent according to the criteria noted on the course pages.
Applicants are encouraged to contact the International Student Office if they are unsure of the equivalence of their English language proficiency test scores.
AC's Admissions Policy details the special admission pathways for our courses of study.
For those applicants who meet the Educational Disadvantage Entry Criteria specified in the Admissions Policy, there are various special admission pathways which demonstrate an ability to undertake a course of study.
If you would like to apply for admission to an AC course of study on a Special Admission Pathway, please contact the Registry. The Registry, in consultation with the Program Director, will review your application against the Educational Disadvantage Entry Criteria specified in the Admissions Policy. The Program Director’s recommendation is then tabled for approval to the Admissions Committee. The Registry will notify you of the outcome of your application for admission on a Special Admission Pathway.
AC is committed to advancing study opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who do not follow the regular admission pathway may be eligible for a Special Admission Pathway on the grounds of educational disadvantage. Special Admission Pathways are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the Program Director. For HE students, the Program Director’s recommendation is then tabled for approval to the Admissions Committee.
Additional information:
Parental Consent Form (Applicants Under the Age of 18)
For applicants under the age of 18 Alphacrucis University College requires the consent of your parent or guardian for you to apply to the university college for any course. Please send your completed 'Parent Consent Form' to studentsupport@ac.edu.au before applying.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) standards
AC’s Language, Literacy and Numeracy Policy outlines the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) standards for Vocational Education and Training (VET) students. Minimum LLN standards are stated in the relevant course admission requirements.
Computer literacy and internet access
AC students require access to computer and internet facilities, as written assignments are submitted online in typescript with some assignments requiring database and internet research.
Student Profile
The Student Profile gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at AC. The Student Profile for each course can be found in the Student Handbook for each course. It provides data on students that commenced study and passed the census date in the most relevant recent intake period for which data are available, including those admitted through all offer rounds and international students studying in Australia.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
A USI is required for students undertaking nationally recognised training (qualifications, accredited courses, skill sets and units of competency) unless exempt. This includes international students studying in Australia. If you don't have a USI you will not receive your qualification or statement of attainment. Please refer to the links below for further information.
- Student Quick Guide for students creating their own USI
- How to create a USI for students creating their own USI
Admissions Transparency
The Higher Education Standards Panel (HESP) released its report Improving the Transparency of Higher Education Admissions in October 2016. A sector-led working group, the Admissions Transparency Implementation Working Group (IWG), was established in early 2017 to develop a practical response to the HESP’s recommendations, which includes changes to the way ATAR and other academic requirements are presented. The IWG has released quick reference documents for prospective higher education students regarding the changes: