The below video and FAQ information guides you through how to apply for our courses.
Need help? Email futurestudents@ac.edu.au or call 1300 228 355.
Our website has information on each course offered. You can explore all of our courses at ac.edu.au/awards. Some courses have specific pre-requisites and Entry Requirements or Admission Criteria so be sure to check out the course page details and Admissions Requirements page before you apply.
Domestic students only need to supply high-quality (not blurry) colour uncertified identity and transcript documents as well as other documents specific to your course. See below for how to complete course-specific additional requirements including Statement of Purpose, Letter of Endorsement and Working with Children Check (WWCC).
International students will need to supply all documents (identity, transcript and any other documents) as certified. See below for how to get documents certified. More FAQs and guidance for international students can be found here.
Note: PDF format is best for uploading any documents. You can convert your documents to PDF for free here.
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your vocational education and training (VET) undertaken in Australia.
If you're studying with AC or any other tertiary training provider in Australia, you need a USI. Without one, you can't get Commonwealth financial assistance or your qualification or statement of attainment.
Before starting your application you should make sure you have a USI. You can see more details or sign up for one at https://www.usi.gov.au/.
Yes. In order to process any admission applications, our Admissions Officers will need to receive a high-quality, colour scanned copy of your identification documents (e.g. passport/birth certificate) and any academic documents (e.g. transcript).
For domestic applications, AC accepts uncertified scanned documents submitted online in support of applications for admission to courses of study. If you have completed previous domestic student study at AC, you are not required to certify your academic documents.
For international student applications, certified scanned documents must be provided to support your application. If you have completed previous international student study at AC, you are not required to certify your academic documents.
Note: All supporting documents must be true and complete records. You should be prepared to provide original or original certified copies of supporting documents upon request at any time. Detailed checking of supporting documents is an inherent element of our admissions process and may involve contacting the original issuing authority, whether in Australia or overseas, to verify documents. A failure to provide documents on request or the discovery of either fraudulent documents or misrepresentation of true circumstances in association with your application may lead to the rejection of your application for admission, the withdrawal of your offer, or the cancellation of your place. Delays in processing occur where documents you provide to us don't meet our certification requirements.
A certified (notarised) document is a copy of an original document, such as a birth certificate, academic transcript or proof of identity, that has been authorised (or stamped) as being a true copy of an original.
In order to process any admission applications, our Admissions Officers will need to receive a certified copy of your identification documents (e.g. passport/birth certificate) and any academic documents (e.g. transcript).
There is a wide range of authorised occupations and office holders who may certify a document in Australia.
These include:
- Pharmacists
- You can use this link to search for your local Pharmacist who can certify your documents by choose ‘Document Witnessing Service’ from the dropdown titled ‘Services’.
- Justice of Peace (JP)
- You can use the below links to search for contact details of your local Justice of Peace in your state or territory.
- Participating Post Offices (for a small fee)
- Accountant (member of a recognised professional accounting body or a Registered Tax Agent)
- Bank Managers
- Barrister, solicitor or patent attorney.
- Ministers of Religion (registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961).
- Police Officers - in charge of a police station, or of the rank of sergeant and above
- Principal of an Australian secondary college, high school or primary school.
To obtain certified copies of your documents, you will need to take both an original and a photocopied version of the document to an appropriate authorised person. They will certify that the photocopy is a true copy of the original. The certification should include a statement such as "This is a true copy of the original document" and include the name and address, contact phone number, profession or occupation of the person who certifies the documentation and date signed.
The following people are authorised to certify your identity documents outside Australia:
- notary publics
- staff at your nearest Australian
- embassy
- high commission
- consulate – including consulates headed by Austrade honorary consuls.
An approved certifier must certify that each copy of an original document is true and correct, by:
- physically sighting the original document and the copies of the front and back at the same time
- stamping (if available), signing and annotating the copy of the document with wording similar to 'I have sighted the original document and certify this to be a true and correct copy of the original document sighted'.
- providing the following details
- full name
- telephone number
- qualification
- registration number (if relevant)
- date of certification.
As the certifier, if the applicant presents you with an original document with more than one page, you must:
- initial or sign the bottom of each page of the copy (front and back)
- number each page if the pages are not numbered.
Note: If you are applying to AC via an education agent they will be able to assist you with this process.
Some of our courses require a WWCC. You can find out about the course requirements on the Entry Requirements or Admissions Criteria tab of the course page.
The below links to the authorised government screening units that are responsible for working with children registrations in each Australian state and territory:
NSW – Working with Children Check (WWCC)
QLD – Blue Card Check / Working with Children Check
VIC – Working with Children Check
SA – DCSI Screening / Working with Children Check
ACT – Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) check
TAS – Registration to Work with Vulnerable People (RWVP) / Working with Children Registration
WA – Working With Children Check
NT – Working with Children Clearance / Ochre Card
If you're presented with an option for selecting a 'volunteer' or 'paid' WWCC, you should choose 'volunteer'.
Once you have obtained your WWCC you can submit a copy of your WWCC details in the 'Documents Upload' screen of your application.
What is it?
A 200-word (maximum length) Statement of Purpose is a short summary of why you wish to study this program.
Statement of Purpose is only needed for a few of our courses. The course page will state in the Admission Criteria or Entry Requirements if this is needed.
How do I submit a Statement of Purpose?
A text box is available within your online application where you can write this. It’s recommended you write this out first in a Word document, save your document and then copy and paste the contents into the application form.
What does a Statement of Purpose look like?
Whilst there is no standard template, below are a couple of examples of successful submissions:
Example 1
My desire and intention to study the Graduate in Professional Supervision course is as an opportunity to further my knowledge in post-retirement work. I currently am an Operational Paramedic, and post-retirement I hope to secure employment as an Assistant Senior Chaplain within NSW Ambulance which is a role I currently perform as a volunteer. In my capacity as an Assistant Senior Chaplain I will be responsible for the occasional debrief and supervision of Chaplains under my care, and I believe that a course in Professional Supervision will help me perform this task with greater care and sensitivity to those I will be working with.
Example 2
I am writing to express my purpose for studying the Certificate IV in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care as I participate in a Community Kitchen Programme that is conducted by my church where I listen to people’s stories, and I want to be better equipped in this position. In addition to this I work in tertiary education and have a high level of interaction with both students and staff and want to enhance my communication skills and learn more about the difficulties that young people face. I am also a parent of three adult children, and I want to be able to understand more about the world they inhabit to better help and engage with them. I would possibly like to use the Certificate to find work in Chaplaincy at a later stage or at least use the skills learnt in this course in the spheres of influence I find myself in.
Example 3
I am a highly compassionate and caring person who thoroughly enjoys supporting others as they journey through life, particularly during challenging seasons. I have done so in various professional roles, including as a teacher, support worker, counsellor and therapist. I also find myself naturally ministering to others in my personal life, church and social community settings. I am an attentive listener, who is genuinely interested in others. I also love praying for and with people, when they are open to this.
I strongly believe that my passion, experience to date, and the gifts that God has blessed me with, would contribute to me becoming a skilled and natural chaplain. I look forward to walking alongside others during various seasons of their lives, listening to them, and providing spiritual support to them, in order to strengthen and empower them, bring freedom, and give them hope for the future.
What is it?
A formal letter written by a community leader endorsing your suitability for chaplaincy work.
This document is only needed if you are applying to study the Certificate IV in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care, Diploma of Chaplaincy, School Chaplaincy Upgrade or Minister’s Chaplaincy Upgrade.
Where do I submit this?
This is uploaded in the ‘Document Upload’ section of the online application form.
What is the definition of a Community Leader?
Whilst there is no strict definition, some examples of Community Leaders are:
- Pastor
- Minister
- Rotary Member
- Council Member
- Justice of Peace
- School Teacher
- Organisation Board Member
Note: Referee needs to have known the applicant for minimum 2 years.
What should the letter contain?
The letter should contain the following:
- Date the letter was written – this needs to have been within the last twelve months.
- Referee's letter head (e.g. logo and contact details of the organisation your referee works for)
- Written endorsement describing the relationship between you and referee as well as brief reasoning for why you would be suitable for the course.
- Referee’s signature
Can I see an example of a Letter of Endorsement?
You can view an example letter here with personal details redacted.
Application Assessment
Your application will be assessed by one of AC’s Application Officers. They will respond to you via email within 2-4 working days, either with a request for more information or a Letter of Offer.
Some courses may require additional entry requirements such as an audition or interview. If required, you will be notified accordingly.
Where necessary, AC verifies the authenticity and Australian equivalence of overseas qualifications through Australian Education International (AEI – NOOSR) within the Department of Education.
After you've submitted your application and whilst it is being processed, if you have selected FEE-HELP as your payment method you will be invited via email to confirm your FEE-HELP request with the government directly via an eCAF form. You can only receive your Letter of Offer once this step is complete. This process may take up to 48 hours and does not involve AC. See this webpage for more details about eCAF.
Letter of Offer
Successful applicants will be issued a Letter of Offer into your chosen AC course of study. To accept your offer, you will need to login to the Student Gateway and then click 'accept your offer'.
After accepting your offer, you may defer your commencement date. You can defer commencement for up to one year, after which your offer will expire and you will be required to complete a new application for admission. More information about deferring your offer is available in the Admissions Policy.
Once you have accepted your Letter of Offer, you will be invited to enrol in your specific subjects in the next academic period via the Student Gateway Information on upcoming subject schedules can be found here.
If you have completed previous study an external education provider, you may be eligible for credit. You can search for existing arrangements between Alphacrucis (AC) University College and external education providers here.
Individual support is available for any questions you might have about your enrolment.
Fees and tuition
AC's Future Students team are available to answer any questions you might have about your fees.
Additional assistance
Study Assist
Information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study.
Australian Department of Human Services
Information for students about ABSTUDY, Austudy, Centrelink and Youth Allowance.
AC Student Support
If you are a prospective students, our Future Students team are here to help find the right course for you!
Once you have accepted your offer of placement at AC, our Student Support team can help you answer any questions you have about your enrolment at the University College.
Once you begin your studies at AC, you will use Moodle as your Learning Management System (LMS) to access all your subject content, the AC Academic Handbook, Study Skills and Textbook Information.
International Students
Nothing beats the experience of being part of our community and participating in our classroom discussions! Alternatively, for students who decide to study from their home country, AC brings education to you by offering many subjects and degrees by distance education allowing you to study from anywhere in the world.
Further information about International Students, including the application process, international recognition of AC courses of study and FAQ’s, is available on our here.
The QILT website helps you compare official study experience and employment outcomes data from Australian higher education institutions.
TEQSA National Register
The purpose of the TEQSA National Register is to be the authoritative source of information on the status of registered higher education providers in Australia.
Complaints and Grievances
If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your application, AC’s Complaint and Grievance Resolution Policy outlines the procedure for resolving a complaint or grievance.