Associate Professor Jon Newton
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and PentecostalismContact Jon Newton
Jon Newton is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Pentecostalism at AC. Previously he served as Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research at Harvest Bible College. He is an expert on both the Book of Revelation and Australian Pentecostalism, and has published widely in international journals. His books include Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse (2009), The Revelation Worldview (2015), A Pentecostal Commentary on Revelation (2021), and Holy Spirit Breakout: Discovering the Stories of Australian Pentecostalism (2023).
He is an ordained minister with ACC has served as a church planter, missionary, pastor and elder in churches in NSW, PNG and Victoria. He is an itinerant minister who preaches and teaches in Australia and overseas, including at theological schools. He founded and served as editor of the Journal of Contemporary Ministry 2015-2023.
Jon is a member of the Biblical Studies and Pentecostal Studies research cluster.
PhD (Deakin University)
Dissertation Title Postmodernism, Christianity and the Book of Revelation
MA (Theol) (Australian College of Theology) 2000
BA (Hons) (ICI University, Texas)
Dissertation Title Application of the Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God
DipEd (University of Sydney) 1970
BA (University of Sydney) 1969
Current Research
Currently working on a project called "Pentecostal Reflections" which included interviewing 197 older Pentecostal and charismatic ministers and spouses in all states of Australia which will lead to an academic book and several popular books on Australian Pentecostalism since 1970
I am currently supervising doctoral research on the following areas within Alphacrucis College:
- Pastoral care of people with long-term issues in Australian Pentecostal churches (DMin)
- Healing ministry in ACC churches (DMin)
- Strategies for transition of mono-ethnic Pentecostal churches in Victoria (DMin)
- Missional strategies of African Pentecostal churches in Australia (DMin)
- The value of speaking in tongues for the individual (DMin)
I am associate supervisor for a project on Social Welfare in Pentecostal churches of SE Queensland (Australian College of Theology)
I have successfully supervised students to completion in these areas:
- Hearing from God in Pentecostal churches (PhD Alphacrucis)
- Pastoral Care of Same-sex Attracted People (DMin Harvest Bible College)
- Perfomance Criticism of Book of Revelation (PhD University of Divinity; associate supervisor)
Research Interests
Book of Revelation
Australian Pentecostalism
Field of Research
- Newton, Jon K. (2021). A Pentecostal Commentary on Revelation. Wipf & Stock.
- Newton, J.K.(2015). The Revelation Worldview: Apocalyptic Thinking in a Postmodern World. Wipf & Stock.
- Newton, J.K.(2013). Worldview Wars. Mosaic Press.
- Newton, J.K.(2009). Revelation Reclaimed: The Use and Misuse of the Apocalypse. Paternoster.
Book Chapters
- Newton, J.K.(2003). The Challenge of Postmodernism In Ireland, J., Edlin, R., Dickens, K., Pointing the Way (pp. ). National Institure for Christian Education (N.I.C.E).
Journal Articles
- Jon K. Newton (2024). Mainstream and Marginal Theologies in Australian Pentecostalism. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 33 79-99.
- Jon K. Newton (2023). Blurred Boundaries and Hybrids in Revelation. Australian Biblical Review, 71 83-99.
- Newton, Jon K. (2020). Apocalyptic Arithmetic: Numbers and Worldview in the Book of Revelation. The Heythrop Journal, 63:6. | External link
- Newton, J.K.(2018). Not Who They Seem: Community and Identity in the Seven Churches of Revelation. Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, Vol. 50, No. 2 71-88.
- Newton, J.K.(2018). Spiritual Explosion: A Review of the Literature on the Sudden Growth of Pentecostalism in Australia. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, Vol. 31, No. 1 75-96.
- Newton, J.K., (2018). The Epistemology of the Book of Revelation. Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology, 59 (4) 733-746. | External link
- Newton, J.K.(2017). The Full Gospel and the Apocalypse. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Vol.26, No.1 86-109.
- Newton, J.K.(2015). Patmos and Southland: Australasian Pentecostal Reading of the Book of Revelation. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, Vol. 17. | External link
- Newton, J.K.(2013). The Epistemology of the Book of Revelation. Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology, .
- Newton, J.K.(2013). Story-lines in the Book of Revelation. Australian Biblical Review, Volume 61 61-78.
- Newton, J.K.(2011). Time Language and the Purpose of the Millennium. Colloquium, Volume 43, Number 2 147-168.
- Newton, J.K.(2010). Holding Prophets Accountable. Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association, Volume 30, Number 1 63-79.
- Newton, J.k. (2010). The Scope of Christian Prophecy. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, Issue 13 59-86.
- Newton, J.K.(2009). Reading Revelation Romantically. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, Volume 18, Number 2 194-215.
Edited Books
- Newton, J.K.(ed) (2013). New Frontiers: Redefining Christian Ministry for 21st Century Contexts.
Internal and External Grants
- AC Conference Funding, $2000, AC
- AC Conference Funding, $2000, AC
- Pentecostal Reflections, $5000, Acts Global Churches
- Pentecostal Reflections, $10000, Australian Christian Churches
- Pentecostal Reflections, $5000, CRC Churches International
- Pentecostal Reflections, $6000, Australian Research Theology Foundation (ARFTInc)
- Why we still need the Book of Revelation (2024), London School of Theology; Regents Theological College, London and Malvern, UK, 24 Apr 2024
- Investigating the Growth of Australian Pentecostalism since 1970 (2024), Society of Pentecostal Studies annual meeting, Atlanta, USA, 14 Mar 2024
- The Pentecostal Rapture: a Sectarian Turn? (2024), Society of Pentecostal Studies annual meeting, Atlanta, USA, 14 Mar 2024
- Apocalyptic Ecotheology (2023), European Pentecostal Theological Association conference, Erzhausen, Germany, 18 Jul 2023
- Keys to Growth in Australian Pentecostalism (2023), Practical Theology Research network seminar,, online, 19 May 2023
- Mainstream and Marginal Theologies in Australian Pentecostalism (2022), European Pentecostal Theological Association, Warsaw, Poland, 27 Jul 2022
- Blurred Boundaries and Hybrid Animals in Revelation (2021), Fellowship for Biblical Studies Conference, Online, 02 Oct 2021
- Pentecostal Reading of Revelation (2020), GloPent Conference, Birmingham UK /online, 31 Oct 2020
- Determinism and Time in the Book of Revelation (2019), SPS stream at Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, USA, 25 Nov 2019
- Reading Revelation Missionally (2019), ANZATS Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 02 Jul 2019
- Framing Revelation, Pentecostally (2019), Society for Pentecostal Studies Conference, Maryland, USA, 28 Feb 2019
- Spiritual Explosion: An Analysis Of The Sudden Growth of Pentecostalism In Australia. (2018), Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianities in Oceania Symposium, Alphacrucis College and Western Sydney University., Sydney, Australia., 17 Aug 2018
- Towards a Pentecostal Reading of Revelation (2017), Society of Pentecostal Studies conference, St Louis, USA, 03 Mar 2017
Engagement Publications
- Newton, J.K., Houston, G. (2023). Holy Spirit Breakout: Discovering the Stories of Australian Pentecostalism. Jon Newton: Melbourne.
Popular Articles
- Newton, J.K.(2018). A unique call. AC Blog, .
Professional Memberships
British and Irish Association of Practical Theology (since 2014)
Fellowship for Biblical Studies (since 2010)
Society of Biblical Literature (since 2015)
Society of Pentecostal Studies (since 2011)
Current Supervision
- Fryer, C., Social welfare programs in Pentecostal churches in South-eastern Queensland (Doctoral Thesis)
- Adelana, S, African-initiated Pentecostal Churches: Towards an African Diaspora Missiology in Australia (DMin thesis)
Completed Supervision
- Cat, C, Unrealised Pentecostal Divine Healing Expectations: A Pastoral Dialogue With The Psychology Of Religion And Coping (PhD thesis)
- Furniss, J, Exploring the Effect of Speaking in Tongues on Desire, Motivation, and Emotion (DMin thesis)
- Rhodes, J, Divine healing in Australian Christian Churches: a review of contemporary ministerial practice and perspective (DMin thesis)
- Kruithoff, I, Factors influencing monoethnic churches’ longevity (DMin thesis)
- Harris, T, Towards a theology of Pentecostal revelatory experiences (PhD thesis)
- Baskett, S., Pastoral Care of Same Sex Attracted People in "Welcoming but not affirming' churches (Doctoral Thesis)
- Low, U., A Perfomance Reading of Revelation (Doctoral Thesis)
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