Professor Lily Arasaratnam-Smith
Vice Provost and Deputy Vice President FacultyContact Lily Arasaratnam-Smith
Lily A. Arasaratnam-Smith is a professor of intercultural communication, Vice Provost and Deputy Vice President Faculty at Alphacrucis. Her primary area of expertise is intercultural communication, particularly intercultural competence and intercultural contact-seeking behaviour. Her first book, Perception and Communication in Intercultural Spaces (University Press of America, 2011), presents "intercultural spaces" as a new framework with which to understand intercultural communication in today's culturally diverse communities. Her recent work on higher education includes the book Developing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Students’ Stories and Self-Reflection (Routledge, 2022). Lily is president-elect of the International Academy for Intercultural Research. The winner of the 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award, Lily teaches in the areas of intercultural communication and research methodology.
Lily is a member of the Interculturality, Interfaith and Mission and Faith-Based Education research clusters.
PhD (Communication) (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Dissertation Title Intercultural communication competence from multiple cultural perspectives: A new theoretical model and empirical validation
MA (Communication) (University of Kentucky) 1999
BS (Mathematics) (University of Kentucky) 1998
BS (Psychology) (University of Kentucky) 1997
Research Interests
Intercultural communication competence, intercultural transitions, identity, higher education
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L., Smith, L. R.(2024). Communicating in Intercultural Spaces. Routledge. | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L.A. and Deardorff, D. K.(2023). Developing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Students’ Stories and Self-Reflection. Routledge. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2011). Perception and communication in intercultural spaces. University Press of America. | External link
Book Chapters
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2017). "Intercultural competence: An overview." In D. K. Deardorff & L. A. Arasaratnam-Smith (Eds.), Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Approaches, Assessment and Application (pp. 7-18). Routledge.
- Calloway-Thomas, C., Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A., & Deardorff, D. K.(2017). "The role of empathy in fostering intercultural competence." In D. K. Deardorff & L. A. Arasaratnam-Smith (Eds.), Intercultural competence in higher education: International approaches, assessment, and application. (pp. 32-42). Routledge. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2016). Dwelling in intercultural spaces : global citizenship as a mindset In W. Jia, Intercultural communication : adapting to emerging global realities (pp. 473-482). Cognella Academic Publishing.
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2012). "Narrative insights." In Bernardo, K. & Deardorff, D. (Eds.), Building cultural competence: Innovative strategies (pp. 98-103). Stylus Publishing. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2012). "Intercultural communication competence." In A. Kurylo (Ed.), Inter/Cultural communication: Representation and construction of culture in everyday interactions (pp. ). Sage Publications. | External link
Journal Articles
- Goncalves, G., Sousa, C., Rodriguez, N., & Carvalheiro, R., & Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2023). The effect of multicultural attitude and perceived intergroup threat on attitudes towards immigrants in Portugal: A polynormal regression with response surface analysis.. Psychological Reports, 0(0) 1-25. | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A., Coetzee, N. J., & Hodson, C. (2021). The double-edged sword of ‘best aspects’ and ‘needs improvement’ in student experiences: A qualitative analysis. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18(3). | External link
- Goncalves, G., Sousa, C., Arasaratnam-Smith, L.A., Rodrigues, N., & Carvalheiro, R. (2020). Intercultural communication competence scale: Invariance and construct validation in Portugal. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 10.1080/17475759.2020.1746687. | External link
- Barnes, L., Northcote, M., Rickett, C., Lounsbury, L., Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A., Josey, K., & Obers, N. (2020). Women in higher education: The challenge remains, who wears the "pants". Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12) 6885-6892. | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2020). Developing global graduates: Essentials and possibilities. Research in Comparative and International Education, 15(1) 1-7.
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A. Pepper, N., Powell, R. A.(2020). A study of cultural empathy and attitude toward diversity: The case of Australian Christian church attenders. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31 251-272.
- White, A., & Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2018). "The messenger now and then: A socio-cultural analysis of the role of the 'preacher.'". Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 27 146-158. | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A., & Northcote, M. (2017). "Community in online higher education: Challenges and opportunities.". Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 15(2) 188-198.. | External link | AC Link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2017). "Congregational attitudes toward immigrants: The case of Australian churches.". Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 19. | AC Link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2016). "An exploration of the relationship between intercultural communication competence and bilingualism.". Communication Research Reports, 33(3) 231-238. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2015). "Intercultural competence: Looking back and looking ahead.". International Journal of Educational Research, 48 1-2. | External link | AC Link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2015). "Research in intercultural communication: Reviewing the past decade.". Journal of International & Intercultural Communication, 8(4) 290-310. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2014). "Ten years of research in intercultural communication competence: A retrospective.". Journal of Intercultural Communication, 35. | External link
- Alexander, B. K., Arasaratnam, L. A., Avant-Mier, R., Durham, A., Flores, L., Leeds-Hurwitz, W., Mendoza, S. L., Oetzel, J., Osland, J., Tsuda, Y., Yin, J., & Halualani, R. (2014). "Identifying key intercultural urgencies, issues, and challenges in today’s world: Connecting our Scholarship to dynamic contexts and historical moments.". Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 7(1) 38-67. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2014). "A discussion of multiculturalism in Australia from educators’ perspective.". SpringerPlus, 3:36. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2013). "A review of articles on multiculturalism in 35 years of IJIR.". International Journal of Educational Research, 37 676-685. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2012). "Intercultural Spaces and Communication within: An Explication.". Australian Journal of Communication, 39(3) 135-141.
- Arasaratnam, L. A., & Banerjee, S. C.(2011). "Sensation seeking and intercultural communication competence: A model test.". International Journal of Educational Research, 35(2) 226-233. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A., Banerjee, S. C., Dembek, K. (2010). "Sensation seeking and the integrated model of intercultural communication competence.". Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 39(2) 69-79. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A., Banerjee, S. C., & Dembek, K. (2010). "The integrated model of intercultural communication competence (IMICC): Model test.". Australian Journal of Communication, 37(3) 103-116.
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2009). "The development of a new instrument of intercultural communication competence.". Journal of Intercultural Communication, 20. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2008). "Acculturation process of Sri Lankan Tamil immigrants in Sydney: An ethnographic analysis using the Bidirectional model (BDM).". Australian Journal of Communication, 35 57-68.
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2007). "Research in intercultural communication competence: Past perspectives and future directions.". Journal of International Communication, 13 66-73. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2007). "Empirical research in intercultural communication competence: A review and recommendation.". Australian Journal of Communication, 34 105-117.
- Arasaratnam, L. A., & Banerjee, S. C.(2007). "Ethnocentrism and sensation seeking as variables that influence intercultural contact-seeking behavior: A path analysis.". Communication Research Reports, 24(3) 303-310. | External link
- Arasaratnam. L. A.(2006). "Further testing of a new model of intercultural communication competence.". Communication Research Reports, 23(2) 93-99. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2005). "Sensation seeking and international students’ satisfaction of experiences in the United States.". Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 34 184-194.
- Arasaratnam, L. A., & Doerfel, M. L.(2005). "Intercultural communication competence: Identifying key components from multicultural perspectives.". International Journal of Educational Research, 29(2) 137-163. | External link
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2004). "Sensation seeking as predictor of social initiative in intercultural interactions.". Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 33 215-222.
- Morgan, S. E., & Arasaratnam, L. A.(2003). "Intercultural friendships as social excitation: Sensation seeking as a predictor of intercultural friendship seeking behavior.". Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 32 175-186.
Edited Books
- Deardorff, D. K., & Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(Eds.) (2017). Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Approaches, Assessment and Application. | External link
Internal and External Grants
- Collaborative Research Grant, $5000, AC
- AC Conference Funding, $1200, AC
- "Department of International Communication Excellence in Teaching Award,", $500, Macquarie University
- "Research Incentive funds based on publication record,", $5000, Macquarie University
- "L. L. Stewart Faculty Development Award,", $2000, Oregon State University
- "Faculty Release Time Grant, Research Office,", $6000, Oregon State University
- "Viji Jeganathan Award for Cross-Cultural Understanding,", $1000, Office of International Affairs, University of Kentucky
- Intercultural communication competence (2020), Postgraduate seminar in communication, Utah State University (via Zoom), 08 Sep 2020
- Intercultural communication (2020), St Philip's College Cessnock, NSW (via Zoom), 26 Aug 2020
- Living a purposeful life (2020), Every Nation Church Singles Conferences, Sydney, 08 Aug 2020
- (with Davies, A., & Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.) "The tension between acculturation and tradition: The case of the Syrian Orthodox diaspora in Australia." (2019), Biennial Conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, New York, NY, 28 Aug 2019
- "A discussion of multiculturalism in Australia from educators’ perspective." (2019), VIII Biennial Conference of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Reno NV, 27 Aug 2019
- “Measuring the Effectiveness of University Efforts to Promote Students’ Intercultural Effectiveness through Internationalization.” (2018), Invited roundtable, SUNY Global Centre, New York, NY, 27 Apr 2018
- Developing global graduates: Essentials and possibilities (2018), Global intercultural competency assessment conference, SUNY, New York., 26 Apr 2018
- "Education is enculturation." (2017), Asia Pacific Theological Association General Assembly, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13 Sep 2017
- "Ethnocentrism or ethnorelativism." (2017), Association General Assembly, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 13 Sep 2017
- "Ethnocentrism versus ethnorelativism." (2017), Plenary lecture at the General Assembly of the Asia Pacific Theological Association, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 11 Sep 2017
- "Response to papers in From theory to reality: Generating practical insights for improving intercultural contact and communication." (2017), 10th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, New York, USA, 26 Jun 2017
- Lessons on intercultural communication (2014), Sunday Service, Church of Living Water, Sydney Australia, 08 Jun 2014
- Developing intercultural competence (2014), Leaders' training, Church of Living Water, Sydney Australia, 07 Jun 2014
- Intercultural communication for leaders (2013), Leaders' training, Riverlands Church, Sydeny Australia, 13 Oct 2013
- Delivering subjects in intensive mode (2012), E-learning Consultation workshop, Australian College of Theology, Sydney Australia, 05 Nov 2012
- Commentry on P.S. I'm Single book (2011), Open House, radio show, Hope 103.2, Sydney Australia, 20 Nov 2011
- Guest interviewee in Open House radio show (2011), Hope 103.2, Sydney, Australia, 20 Nov 2011
- (with Arasaratnam, L. A., Banerjee, S. C., & Dembek, K.) "The integrated model of intercultural communication competence (IMICC): Model test." (2010), Annual convention of the International Communication Association, Singapore, 01 Jan 2010
- (with Arasaratnam, L. A., Banerjee, S. C., & Dembek, K.) "The relationship between sensation seeking and intercultural communication competence: Further model testing" (2010), Annual convention of the International Communication Association, Singapore, 01 Jan 2010
- (with Arasaratnam, L. A., & Banerjee, S. C.) "Sensation seeking and intercultural communication competence: A model test." (2009), Top-3 panel of the intercultural division of the Annual Convention of the International Communication Association,, Chicago, IL, 01 Jan 2009
- "Acculturation process of Sri Lankan Tamil immigrants in Sydney: An ethnographic analysis using the Bidirectional model (BDM)." (2007), Annual Convention of the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, HI, 01 Jan 2007
- Lectures on diplomacy, organizational communication, and cultural variables in health communication (2007), Purdue University, USA, West Lafayette, IN, 01 Jan 2007
- "Acculturation processes of Sri Lankan Tamil immigrants in Sydney: An analysis using the bidirectional model." (2006), Department of Speech Communication colloquium, Oregon State University, USA, 01 Jan 2006
- (with Arasaratnam, L. A., & Banerjee, S. C.) "Ethnocentrism and sensation seeking as variables that influence intercultural contact-seeking behavior: A path analysis." (2006), Annual Convention of the International Communication Association, Dersden, Germany, 01 Jan 2006
- (with Banerjee, S. C., & Arasaratnam, L. A.) "Intercultural attitudes and experiences – the anti drug? Examining the moderating effects of social initiative, motivation, and intercultural friendships." (2006), Annual Convention of the International Communication Association, Dersden, Germany, 01 Jan 2006
- "Variables that influence intercultural contact-seeking behavior: An explorative analysis." (2006), Annual Convention of the International Communication Association, Dersden, Germany, 01 Jan 2006
- "Cultural differences in expectations in the education system." (2005), International Student Orientation, Oregon State University, USA, 01 Jan 2005
- "Further testing of a new model of intercultural communication competence." (2005), Annual Convention of the International Communication Association, New York, NY, 01 Jan 2005
- "Cultural Communication Competence: Development of a New Model." (2004), Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, 01 Jan 2004
- "Further testing of the multicultural personality questionnaire using intercultural scenarios." (2004), Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, 01 Jan 2004
- "Intercultural communication in the context of transition, orientation, and adaptation." (2004), Department of Communication colloquium, Texas A&M University, USA, 01 Jan 2004
- "Sensation seeking as predictor of social initiative in intercultural interactions." (2004), Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, 01 Jan 2004
- "Competing cultural voices: An ethnographic study of international students in American graduate education.' (2003), Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL, 01 Jan 2003
- (with Arasaratnam, L. A., & Doerfel, M. L) "Intercultural communication competence: Identifying key components from multicultural perspectives." (2003), Annual Convention of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA, 01 Jan 2003
- (with Morgan, S.E., & Arasaratnam. L. A.) "Intercultural friendships as social excitation: Sensation seeking as a predictor of intercultural friendship seeking behavior." (2003), Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL, 01 Jan 2003
- "Competing cultural voices: An ethnographic study of international students in American graduate education." (2002), Annual Convention of the Eastern Communication Association, New York City, NY, 01 Jan 2002
- (with Morgan, S. E., Arasaratnam, L. A., Layne, W., & Harrison, T.) "Predicting attitudes toward intercultural communication with threat buffer theory: Development and testing of the threat buffer inventory." (2002), Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, 01 Jan 2002
- (with Morgan, S. E., Arasaratnam, L. A., Layne, W., & Harrison, T. R.) "Threat Buffer Theory: A New Approach to Predicting Intercultural Communication Behaviors and Attitudes." (2002), Annual Meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, New York City, NY, 01 Jan 2002
- (with Morgan, S. E., Arasaratnam, L. A., Layne, W., & Harrison, T. R.) "Threat Buffer Theory: A New Approach to Predicting Intercultural Communication Behaviors and Attitudes." (2001), Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA, 01 Jan 2001
- "Untapped Cultural Resources: Engaging international students in the American college experience." (2001), 5th Annual Meeting of the Graduate Student Association Symposium, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 01 Jan 2001
- "Cultural differences in the classroom." (2000), Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Orientation, University of Kentucky, USA, 01 Jan 2000
- (with Arasaratnam, L. A., & Sarkari, M.) "Facilitating Transition into a New Culture: Welcome Week Activities at UK." (1998), 2nd Annual Meeting of the Graduate Student Association Symposium, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 01 Jan 1998
Engagement Publications
- Baker, C; Bickmore-Brand, J; Burgess, B; Coetzee, N (2017). Reflections on Singleness.. APS Press. | External link
Popular Articles
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. (2021). Preparing Students For Global Workplaces. Crucis, . | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. (2021). May I Try On Your Glasses?. Crucis, . | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. (2020). Social Scripts Re-Written In A Social Distancing World. Crucis, . | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. (2020). Let’s Talk About Gender, Race, And Offenses. Crucis, . | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2017). "Made to stand out.". Crucis, . | External link
- Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A.(2017). "Let’s talk about singleness.". Crucis, .
- Arasaratnam, L. A.(2007). "Building international student leadership teams.". Internationals on Campus, Fall issue11-13.
Professional Memberships
Academic Board, Australian College of Theology (since 2018)
Academic Quality Committee, Australian College of Theology (since 2012)
Editorial Board, International Journal of Intercultural Relations (since 2015)
Honorary Associate, Division of Media, Music, Communication & Cultural Studies, Macquarie University (since 2007)
International Academy for Intercultural Research (since 2010)
International Communication Association (since 2002)
National Communication Association, USA (since 2000)
Completed Supervision
- Madden, C, Unlocking the Motivation of Gen Z at Work: An Empirical Approach (PhD thesis)
- Jones, D, Foundations for justice in knowledge work: an autoethnographic account of discovering the universal pattern beneath outcome-focused conversations (PhD thesis)
- Davis, A, Religious acculturation of Syriac Orthodox churches in diaspora in Australia (PhD thesis)
- Hughes, D., Exploring the cultural hurdles in virtual teams: The case of collaboration between Australians and Americans (Masters Project/Thesis)
- Nwosu, J., Shifting Identity in the Midst of Cultural Transition: An Autoethnography (Masters Project/Thesis)
- Holder, A., The transforming power of belonging (Masters Project/Thesis)
- Samuel Abalo, Developing intercultural competence at Agape church (Masters Project/Thesis)
- Tananuraksakul, N., The impact of English language learning on learner's personal security: A case study of international students in Sydney (Masters Project/Thesis)
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