Mark Jacobson

Mark Jacobson

Graduate Research School Officer, Associate Lecturer in Biblical Studies

Mark has worked for Alphacrucis University College since 2019. During this time, he has held roles in student recruitment, student support and as an Online Learning Facilitator. He is currently AC's Graduate Research School Officer and an Associate Lecturer in Biblical Studies.

Mark completed a Master of Theology through AC in 2022, with his research project presenting a comparative analysis of Christology in both the Gospel of Mark and the Qur'an. Mark's interest areas include the Gospel of Mark, Islamic Christology, the historical Jesus and apologetics.

Prior to working for AC, Mark has held roles with several missionary organizations, working primarily in Southern and Eastern Africa. During this time, he completed a Bachelor of Ministry through Harvest Bible College, AC Melbourne's predecessor.


MTh (Alphacrucis University College)
Dissertation Title Qur'anic Creolization and the Markan Son of Man 2022

BMin (Harvest Bible College) 2014

Field of Research

Religious studies, Theology

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