Rev Dr Narelle Coetzee
Director of Academic Analytics and Projects; Senior Lecturer (Old Testament Studies)Contact Narelle Coetzee
Narelle is the Director of Academic Analytics and Projects, as well a Senior Lecturer in Old Testament Studies. She graduated in 2016 with her PhD from the University of Birmingam. Her research interests include narrative-geography, wilderness, laments, Pentecostal hermeneutics as well as higher education.
Narelle is a member of the Biblical Studies, Faith-Based Education and Pentecostal Studies research clusters.
PhD (University of Birmingham)
Dissertation Title Wild God in the Wilderness: Why does Yahweh choose to appear in the wilderness in the Book of Exodus?
Master of Divinity (Southern Cross College/SCD) 2009
Grad Dip Midwifery (with Distinction) (University of Western Sydney) 2004
B Nursing (Hons) (University of Canberra) 2000
Certificate IV TAE (ProSkills) 2009
Research Interests
- Wilderness
- Theophany
- Narrative-Geography Methods
- Old Testament, especially Pentatuech
- Pentecostal Spirituality
- Lament Psalms
Book Chapters
- Coetzee, N., Bickmore-Brand, J., Greentree, J., & Murison, C. (2023). Christian Higher Education Providers and Graduate Attributes: Tokenistic or Purposeful? In Miner, M & Beilharz, K., Embracing Diversity: Formative Christian Higher Education and the Challenge of Pluralisms (pp. ). Information Age Publishing. | External link
- Coetzee, N., Bickmore-Brand, J., & Greentree, J. (2022). Graduate Attributes: Maintaining the Faith in Initial Teacher Education In Williams, P., and Pearce., K., Revealing Jesus in the Learning Environment: In Celebration of Teaching (pp. 117-148). Avondale Academic Press.
- Melton, N.J.(2013). 'Wilderness: Holy Yahweh's Innate Habitat?' In Lee Roy Martin (ed), A Future for Holiness: Pentecostal Explorations (pp. 9-23). CPT Press.
- Melton, N.J.(2011). 'Wooly Sheep and New Fields: The Old Testament and Singleness,' In Lily Arasaratnam (ed), P.S. I'm Single: Reflections on Singleness. (pp. 34-70). APSS.
Journal Articles
- Coetzee, N.J., Bickmore-Brand, J., and Greentree, J. (2024). Graduate attributes in Australian Christian higher education providers: Faith and faculty. International Journal of Christianity & Education, .
- Coetzee, N.J. & Austin, E.M.(2022). To Build or To Be: An Intertextual Exploration of Sarai's Scheme. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 23 (1) 59-72. | External link
- Coetzee, N.J.(2022). Moses' Embodied Encounter: Bare Feet Grounded in the Wilderness (Exodus 3.1-4.17). Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 31 1-15.
- Coetzee, N. J., Arasaratnam-Smith, L. A., & Hodson, C (2021). The double-edged sword of ‘best aspects’ and ‘needs improvement’ in student experiences: A qualitative analysis. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18(3). | External link
- Melton, N.J.(2011). “Lessons of Lament: Reflections on the correspondence between the Lament Psalms and early Australian Pentecostal Prayer. Journal of Pentecostal Theology, 20, no. 1 68-80.
- Melton, N.J.(2009). “A Pentecostal Lament: Is there a correspondence between the form of the biblical lament psalms and early Australian Pentecostal Prayer?”. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 12 39-72.
Internal and External Grants
- AC Internal Research Grant, $4000, Alphacrucis College
- Guest Interviewee on "Seasons of Solace" (2020), River's Edge Church (youtube channel), Sydney Australia, 16 May 2020
- "Trembling and Wandering at Mount Sinai: A Comparison of the People’s Response" (2016), Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies, San Dimas, CA, 01 Jan 2016
- Between a Rock and the Back of God: A Narrative-Geographical Exploration of Exodus 33:18-23 (2015), Parramatta, 01 Sep 2015
- 'Embodied Encounter: A Closer Look at Moses' Unshod Feet (Exodus 3).' (2015), Presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies., Lakeland, Fl., 12 Mar 2015
- 'To Build or To Be: A Pentecostal's Intertextual Exploration of Sarai's Scheme.' (2014), Presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies., Springfield, MI., 01 Jan 2014
- 'Wilderness: Holy Yahweh's Innate Habitat?' (2013), Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society of Pentecostal Studies., Seattle, WA, 01 Jan 2013
Engagement Publications
Book Reviews
- Melton, N.J.(2008). Grey, J. “Them, Us & Me: How the Old Testament Speaks Today”. Australasian Pentecostal Studies Journal, 11 126-128.
Popular Articles
- Coetzee, N.J.(2021). Embodied Encounter: Bare Feet at the Burning Bush. Crucis, . | External link
- Coetzee, N.J.(2020). COVID-19: Our Liminal Wilderness Time and Place. Crucis, . | External link
Professional Memberships
Fellowship of Biblical Studies (since 2009)
Society of Pentecostal Studies (since 2012)
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