Prof Neil Ormerod
Honorary Professor of TheologyProfessor Neil Ormerod has worked in various institutions as a systematic theologian, including fourteen years as Professor of Theology at Australian Catholic University. He currently holds a position as Honorary Professor at Alphacrucis University College. He is widely published in Australia and internationally with fourteen books, forty book chapters and over ninety articles in referred journals. He is recognised internationally as an expert in the work of Catholic philosopher and theologian, Bernard Lonergan SJ. His research interests include science and religion, natural theology, Trinity, Christology, soteriology, and historical ecclesiology. He has doctorates in pure mathematics and in theology. In 2013 he was made a Fellow of the Australian Catholic Theological Association (FACTA), the first non-clerical member to be so honoured. Neil has had a long professional association with AC and was appointed Honorary Professor of Theology in 2022.
Neil is a member of the Theology and Society research cluster.
D.Theol. (Melbourne College of Divinity)
Dissertation Title The Meaning and Function of Revelation in Bernard Lonergan's 'Method in Theology'
Ph.D (University of NSW) 1979
Theol.M. (Melbourne College of Divinity)
Dissertation Title The theme of the Holy Spirit as the mutual love of the Father and the Son, in the writings of David Coffey and its retrieval in a contemporary transcendental anthropology
B.A.(Honours) (University of NSW) 1976
B.D. (Melbourne College of Divinity) 1986
- Ormerod, N (2017). Faith and Reason: The Possibility of a Christian Philosophy. .
- Ormerod, N. Jacobs-Vandegeer, C. (2015). Foundational Theology: A New Approach to Catholic Fundamental Theology. .
- Ormerod, N. (2015). A Public God: Natural Theology Reconsidered. .
- Ormerod, N. (2014). Re-Visioning the Church: An Experiment in Systematic-Historical Ecclesiology. .
Book Chapters
- Ormerod, N. (2023). Mission, Reform and Suffering: The Challenge of the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church In Daniel Fleming, James Keenan and Hans Zollner, Doing Theology and Theological Ethics in the Face of the Abuse Crisis (pp. 329-344). Pickwick.
Journal Articles
- Ormerod, N. (2024). Incarnation, Holy Spirit and Beatific Vision: Dominic Legge and Bernard Lonergan. Gregorianum, 105 (3) 533-554. | External link | AC Link
- Ormerod, N. (2023). A Hidden Ecological Dialectic: An Oversight in Insight. Theological Studies, 84(4) 613–633.
- Ormerod, N. (2023). Mission, Reform and Suffering: The Challenge of the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church. Journal of Moral Theology, 3:3 329-344.
- Ormerod, N. (2022). Gilson and Lonergan: A Test Case on Science and Metaphysics. Heythrop Journal - Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology, 63:4 796-806.
- Ormerod, N. (2022). The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Clericalism, and the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Australian Context. Revista Iberoamericana de Teología, 18:34 105-121.
- Ormerod, N. (2022). Shorter Notices: Doran, Robert: Conscious in Two Ways: Robert M. Doran Remembers. Theological Studies, 83:4 649-649.
Internal and External Grants
- Internal Research Grant on the Possibility of a Christian Philosophy, $11000, SCD
- Research Support Team Grant for Project on Secularisation and Desacralisation in Church and Society, $15000, SCD
- Research Support Team Grant for Project on the Reception and Implementation of Vatican II in the Australian Church, $30000, SCD
- Australian Learning and Teaching Grant, $150000, MCD
- Metanexus Institute Grant, $30000, ACU
- Australian Learning and Teaching Grant, $100000, ACU