Rev Dr Yung Hun Choi

Rev Dr Yung Hun Choi

Associate Dean of Korean Language Programs

Yung Hun was born in South Korea (1965) and became a born-again Christian in 1988. After graduating BA, MDiv and ThM courses in Korea, he migrated to Auckland, New Zealand where he had much time to study biblical texts particularly in terms of their literary structure and theology. In 2006, he migrated to Sydney for ministry, teaching and studying. He gained PhD in 2019. As a part time in Chester Hill and then as a full time in Parramatta, Yung Hun has been teaching Korean students at Alphacrucis since 2008. He is a Mahlerian.

Yung Hun is a member of the Biblical Studies research cluster.

Yung Hun’s publications have contributed to the Pentecostal Studies research clusters.


Cert IV Training & Assessment (TAE 40116) (Inspire Education) 2019

Ph.D. (Charles Sturt University)
Dissertation Title "The Movement Pattern of the Hebrew Psalter: A Holistic Thematic Approach with an Exemplar, Psalms 69-87" 2019

Th.M. (Asian Centre for Theological Studies and Mission)
Dissertation Title "An Interpretation of the 'Seventy Weeks' in Dan. 9:24-27" 2000

M.Div. (Hapdong Theological Seminary) 1996

Current Research

  • Comparison between MT Psalter, LXX Psalter and 11QPsa
  • Literary structure of Book of Proverbs
  • Eschatology of OT prophetic books and Revelation 
  • Position of Messianic prophecies in Isaiah and Psalms
  • Literary structure and theology of Deuteronomy 


  • A Critical Study on N. T. Wright's Interpretation of the Kingdom of God in the Synoptic Gospels
  • A Re-interpretation of Luke 4:16-19 from the Perspective of Minjung Theology and Social Science
  • 'Fulness of Gentiles' in Rome 11:25: From the Judicial Rhetoric and Geographic Space Approach

Research Interests

  • Literary structure of OT books
  • Eschatology of OT
  • The Messiah in OT and NT
  • Covenant Theology
  • Biblical Theology
  • Holy Spirit and Love in Sanctification


  • 2023
    • Choi, YH (2023). Revelation and Old Testament Prophetic Books: Thematic Structure, Movement of Prophetic Perspective, and Eschatological Events. Christian Literature Center (CLC), Seoul (Written in Korean).
  • 2021
    • Choi, YH (2021). Patterns of Movement in the Hebrew Psalter: A Holistic Thematic Approach with an Exemplar, Psalms 69-87. Peter Lang. | External link

Book Chapters

  • 2019
    • Choi, YH (2019). Yonggi Cho's Influence on Pentecostal Theology in Korea In Austin, Denise A., Jacqueline Grey and Paul W. Lewis, Asia Pacific Pentecostalism (pp. 37-60). Brill.

Journal Articles

  • 2022
    • Choi, YH (2022). The Future of the Church in Ezekiel and Revelation: In Consideration of the Literary-theological Structure, Prophets' Perspective and Difference of the Prophetic Expression between OT and NT. Text and Context, vol. 6 491-577.
  • 2021
    • CHOI, YH (2021). The Places and Way of Presentation of the Messianic Prophecies in the Book of Isaiah as a Whole: In Comparison to the Portrayal of Jesus the Messiah in the Entire Structure of Matthew and Luke. Text and Context, Vol. 5 234-327.
  • 2018
    • Choi, YH (2018). The Christology of Romans 1:3-4: An Approach according to the Thematic Links in the Epistle. Text and Context, Vol. 4 120-68.
  • 2016
    • Choi, YH (2016). The Genre, Thematic Structure, and Theological-Intertextual Interpretation of the Song of Songs. Text and Context., Vol. 3 150-82.
  • 2014
    • Choi, YH (2014). The Structure of the Book of Daniel: A Thematic Approach. Text and Context, Vol. 2 41-72.
    • Choi, YH (2014). The Four Types of Wisdom in Prov. 1:6. Text and Context, Vol. 2 95-122.
  • 2010
    • Choi, YH (2010). The Macro-structure of Jeremiah: Problems in the Study and an Approach through the Literary and Theological Conventions of the OT Authors and Their Temporal-Spatial Perspective. Text and Context, Vol. 1 17-66.

Internal and External Grants

  • 2019
    • Faculty Resource Funding, $1250, Charles Sturt University


  • 2021
    • The structural-theological incompatibility between the Hebrew Psalter and 11QPs-a and its relevance to Christian-Qumranian/Jewish Dialogue (2021), Beyond the Divide, Alphacrucis College, Sydney, 08 Jul 2021
  • 2020
    • Biblical-theological Preaching on the "Wisdom Psalms": Beyond the Genre Criticism (2020), Biblical Theology Conference for Korean Churches, Sydney, Australia, 20 Nov 2020
  • 2018
    • A Structural Analysis of the Psalms 69-87: According to the Progressive Parallel Design of the Psalter and with Reference to the Movement, from Lament of Individual to Praise of Nations (2018), North Parramatta, Sydney, 25 May 2018
    • (with Cha, JH) An evaluation of Jun-Hee Cha's "False Peace and True Peace: Focused on Micah 4:1-5" (2018), The 70th Anniversary Alphacrucis Theological Forum for the Reconciliation between South and North Korea by Church, Sydney, Australia, 22 Feb 2018
  • 2017
    • The Psalter's Overall Structure: Psalms Groups in Progressive Parallel (2017), North Parramatta, Sydney, 26 May 2017

Engagement Publications

Popular Articles

  • 2019
    • Choi, YH (2019). Prophecy and Eschatology. Sydney Journal (weekly), No. 1087 to 1115 (2019-08-30 to 2020-03-27; 28 times). | External link
    • Choi, YH (2019). Interpretation of Minor Prophets: From Nahum to Malachi. Sydney Journal (weekly), No. 1074 to 1086 (2019-05-31 to 2019-08-21; 13 times). | External link
  • 2015
    • Choi, YH (2015). Interpretation of Minor Prophets: From Hosea to Micah. Australian Christian Life (weekly), 2015-11-26 to 2018-03-01 (58 times). | Link to journal
  • 2009
    • Choi, YH (2009). Loving Deuteronomy. Australia Kookmin-Christian Herald (fortnightly), 2009-11-02 to 2010-09-30 (35 times). | Link to journal

Professional Memberships

Fellowship for Biblical Studies (since 2013)

Korea Evangelical Old Testament Society (since 2020)

Society of Biblical Literature (since 2020)

Current Supervision

  • Current
    • Chang, H, A Study of the Re-establishment toward a Discipleship Theology for the Korean Diaspora in Australia: Focused on the Meaning Analysis of “ἀνάθεμα” (PhD thesis)
    • Chin, Y, Luke 4:16-19: A Theological and Socio-scientific Interpretation of Korean Diaspora in Australia for the Search of their Political and Social Identity (Re-interpreting the Holy Spirit and Gospel Accounts in the Gospel of Luke from the Perspective of Minjun (PhD thesis)
    • Park, Y, A Forensic-Rhetorical and Geographical-Spatial Interpretation of the Pauline Expression τὸ πλήρωμα τῶν ἐθνῶν in Romans 11:25 (PhD thesis)
    • Kim, Y, A Study on the Problems of N. T. Wright's Interpretation of the Synoptic Gospels (PhD thesis)
    • Jo, S, A Study on the Relationship between Double Grace and Covenant of John Calvin: Focus on the Predestination and Work of the Triune God (PhD thesis)
    • Han, J, A Study on the Critique of Jonathan Edwards’ Pneumatology: Focusing on the Trinitarian Theology (PhD thesis)
    • Kang, H, A Study of Calvin’s Christology from the Viewpoint of “Únĭo cum Christo” Thought for Establishing Korean Diaspora Theology in Australia: Focused on TrĭplexMunus Christiand Incarnátĭo (PhD thesis)
    • Kim, Y, A Study on Christian Identity Theology for the Australian Ethnic Koreans Diaspora: Focusing on “A Thought of Union with the Triune God” and “Creative Identity” (PhD thesis)
    • Jeon, J, A Study on Changes in Spiritual Leadership and Methods of Granting Authority in Luke's Theology: From Jesus to Paul (MPhil thesis)
    • Han, C, (PhD thesis)

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