Code of Conduct Policy

Fact box


The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the standard of conduct expected of staff, students, Higher Degree Research (HDR) candidates, contractors and volunteers at Alphacrucis University College (AC).


Whole of AC


AC Code of Conduct

AC Council, staff, students, HDR candidates, contractors and volunteers are expected to:

  • be informed of and comply with all relevant policies and procedures;
  • not engage in any behaviour that contravenes federal, state or local law;
  • treat others in the AC community with integrity, professionalism, responsiveness, fairness, respect and courtesy;
  • be respectful of differences and remain non-discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, sexuality, disability, cultural background, marital status, age, political conviction or family responsibilities;
  • avoid behaviour that may be reasonably perceived as harassing, intimidating, bullying or physically or emotionally threatening;
  • avoid behaviour that would endanger the health or safety of another person;
  • avoid behaviour that would unfairly harm the reputation and career prospects of other members of the AC community;
  • avoid behaviour that is detrimental to the operation of AC or causes damage to AC property;
  • communicate in a respectful manner regarding other personal beliefs in the AC community;
  • avoid all forms of academic misconduct;
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of others;
  • not engage in any behaviour that would be considered unlawfully discriminating or improper conduct, including sexual harassment;
  • not engage in any behaviour that would impair the freedom of others to pursue their studies, research and/ or involvement at AC;
  • report genuinely suspected or known fraud, maladministration, or corrupt conduct to appropriate staff/authority through the appropriate procedures;
  • ensure that any AC property, or official information, is not used, without authorisation, in order to gain a financial or other benefit for themselves or any other person or group;
  • ensure that resources are used in a manner which minimises harm the environment;
  • uphold the values and beliefs of the organisation; and
  • behave in an ethical manner.

For students and HDR candidates:

  • take responsibility for own learning and participate in the learning and research processes;
  • treat other members of the AC community with respect and courtesy in all interactions including online communications;
  • attend classes and/or scheduled activities on time, unless there is an exceptional circumstance which prevents attendance;
  • submit assessment tasks on time, unless there is an exceptional circumstance which prevents submission (in which case an application for extension should be submitted in accordance with Assessment Extension Policy and Procedures);
  • know the requirements of own course and progression rules;
  • observe key dates and deadlines relevant to own enrolment and course;
  • comply with the conventions of academic scholarship including, but not limited to, the correct use of copyright material, the correct acknowledgement of others' work and ideas, the use of gender inclusive language, and the avoidance of slang or colloquial language in assessments;
  • be familiar with the resources available to assist in studies and research;
  • ensure that own contact details held by AC are up to date;
  • present identification when required.

For staff and contractors:

  • carry out duties in a professional, responsible and conscientious manner with reference to the objects and ethos of a Christian academic institution and the Australian Christian Churches (ACC) Statement of Faith;
  • carry out official directions and policies in a faithful and diligent manner;
  • take reasonable steps to ensure protection of all confidential information and compliance with privacy policy;
  • take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with intellectual property policy;
  • maintain as appropriate the confidentiality of AC dealings when interacting with outside organisations and others within AC;
  • ensure that AC resources are managed effectively, efficiently and for their specified purpose;
  • maintain adequate security over AC property, resources and information.

This AC Code of Conduct forms the standard of expectation of behaviour beyond strict human resources and professional requirements. It forms the basis for agreement by which staff, students, HDR candidates, contractors and volunteers become members of the AC community.

AC Community Code

AC is a ministry of Australian Christian Churches (ACC) and aligns to the ACC Beliefs. AC is a Christian education provider marked by integrity, responsible freedom, and dynamic, Christ-like love; a place where the name of Jesus Christ is honoured in all that is done. AC is dedicated to preparing and equipping people for purpose. That purpose, in the context of AC, implies direction, discipline, and commitment to the cause of Christ. It implies caring for the futures and capacities which lie in each individual and in AC as a whole. While AC is not a church, it is a community of Christians who seek to live according to the biblical standards laid down by Jesus Christ for his body, the Church.

AC’s mission as an academic community is not merely the transmission of information; it is the development of whole and effective Christians who will impact the church and society worldwide as we live out our extraordinary purpose. Along with participation of membership in such a community come responsibilities. The biblical foundation of Christian community is expressed in Jesus’ two great commandments: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind," and, "Love your neighbour as yourself" (Matt. 22:37-40). Jesus himself demonstrated the pattern: love for God, acted out in love for others, in obedience to God's Word. Acknowledging our dependence on the power and grace of God, the AC community seeks to live according to this ideal.

The purposes of this community are to:

  • maintain the core values as outlined in the AC Strategic Plan;
  • cultivate an atmosphere that encourages spiritual, moral and intellectual growth, including the AC Graduate Attributes that AC seeks to inculcate in its students;
  • integrate our lives around Christian principles and devotion to Jesus Christ;
  • remove whatever may hinder AC from our calling as a Christ-centred academic community;
  • encourage one another to see that living for Christ involves dependence on God's Spirit and obedience to his Word, rather than a passive acceptance of prevailing practices.

To foster an atmosphere conducive to becoming the Christian community of living, learning, and serving that AC aspires to be, AC maintains the institutional standards of self-control, avoidance of harmful practices, the responsible use of freedom, sensitivity to the heritage and practices of other Christians, and honouring the name of Jesus Christ in all we do. AC does not condone the abuse of alcohol and other addictive substances. All members of the AC community will take care to avoid any entertainment or behaviour, on or off campus, which may be immodest or violent (Eph. 4:1-2, 17-24; I Tim. 5:2; Gal. 5:22-23).

AC recognises that some people engaged with AC do not hold to the tenet of the Christian faith. However, at all times they should treat with respect the faith, beliefs and morals that the AC community upholds.

Responsible for implementation


Key stakeholders

Students, staff, contractors, HDR candidates and volunteers

Related legislation

Corporations Act 2001 (Cth):
Age Discrimination Act 2004
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984


Code of Conduct Procedures

Breach of Code of Conduct

Failure to abide by the AC Code of Conduct by a staff member, student, HDR candidate, contractor or volunteer, shall become grounds for appropriate and measured sanctions and/or disciplinary action up to and including dismissal (for staff or contractors) or discontinuation from a course of study (for students or HDR candidates). The severity of disciplinary action should be consistent with the severity of any breach of this Code of Conduct Policy, and staff or students can access relevant grievance procedures.

The Director of Student Experience will determine appropriate disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a student or HDR candidate, and disciplinary action for a breach of this Code by a staff member or contractor will be determined by that person’s supervisor. If severe disciplinary action is recommended (e.g. dismissal for staff or discontinuation from a course of study for students) this must be ratified by the Executive before being implemented.

Students who are unwilling to abide by the AC Code of Conduct may be refused admission to a course of study at AC. Any staff member, student, HDR candidate, contractor, volunteer or member of the public must refer suspected misconduct to the police if the misconduct contravenes federal, state, or local law.

Allegations of harassment, bullying, unlawful discrimination and sexual misconduct shall be considered in accordance with the Harassment, Bullying, Unlawful Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Whistleblower Disclosures

Disclosures of wrongdoing can be made in accordance with the Alphacrucis University College Whistleblower Policy.