Course Progression Policy

Fact box


Alphacrucis University College (AC) is committed to maintaining high academic standards and supporting students to make satisfactory academic progress to complete their course of study in a timely manner and graduate.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that academic progress principles and the framework for supporting students to maintain satisfactory course progression at subject or unit level, as well as course level, are transparent, consistent, and fair.


This policy applies to all students enrolled in, and all staff involved in the delivery of coursework subjects in both Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET).



  • The student is responsible for achieving satisfactory academic progress and complying with all course requirements, including completing their course within the maximum time to complete.
  • Student responsibilities include:
    • Taking accountability for their own learning,
    • Managing their study load, attending class as required by this policy, and undertaking the required hours of study each week, and
    • Seeking assistance in a timely manner with regard to academic skills and other support services.
  • AC is responsible for monitoring students who are unable to achieve, at risk of not achieving, or have not achieved, academic progression requirements, with a focus on early intervention.
  • AC is responsible for offering timely support to help the student take action to improve their academic performance and meet their Course Requirements.
  • Application of this policy aims to ensure that students achieve:
    • standards of academic performance of the course as determined by Academic Board; and
    • professional standards of practice as determined by relevant regulatory professional bodies.


Academic progress: means the process of students advancing through their course of study as a result of achieving all the requirements of their award.

Maximum Time to Complete: means the maximum time permitted for a student to meet the Award Requirements as articulated in the Course of Study Handbook (HE courses), or in the case of International Students, the expected course duration specified on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE).

PRISMS: means the Federal Government's Provider Registration and International Student Management System from which AC and other providers issue Confirmations of Enrolment (CoE) to, and report changes to the enrolments of, international students intending to study in Australia on student visas.


Subject or Unit Level

Course progress at the subject or unit level is assessed by the subject lecturer or unit trainer. A student is deemed to be making satisfactory progress at the subject or unit level when:

Prior to Census Date:

  • they have logged onto their enrolled subject/unit page on the learning management system (LMS); and/or
  • they have attended class.

Past Census Date:

  • they achieve a passing grade or above; and
  • they continue to engage with the LMS; and
  • they maintain attendance for face-to-face and online classes that will give themselves every opportunity to meet the learning outcomes of the subject;
  • they satisfy the mandatory attendance requirement prescribed in the subject handout.

Course Level

Coursework students are expected to make satisfactory academic progress for each semester of their enrolment. Satisfactory course progress includes:

  • successful completion of at least 50% of attempted subjects/units per semester (except for students currently on an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy who must successfully complete more than 50% of attempted subjects or units);
  • successful completion of core subjects or units on the first or second attempt (that is, no subject or unit failed more than once);
  • attendance for face-to-face and online classes as outlined above;
  • following the course structure, including the pre-requisites, specialisation requirements, and any other requirements as outlined in the Course Handbook or course guidelines.

A student at risk of failing to maintain satisfactory course progress is one who:

  • fails more than 50% of attempted subjects or units per semester.
  • has failed a core unit on their first attempt (HE only).
  • does not maintain attendance for face-to-face and online classes where prescribed.
  • does not fulfil course requirements.
  • displays other academic and/or pastoral concerns that affect their studies (e.g. prolonged/regular extension requests, financial hardship).

A student has failed to make satisfactory course progress when:

  • they are currently on an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy and they fail to meet its conditions; and/or
  • they have failed a core subject on their second attempt (HE only).

It is a student's responsibility to understand and meet all the requirements of their course as stated in their Course Handbook. To be conferred with a degree, the student must complete all the requirements of the course within the prescribed timeframe.

A student who wishes to lodge an appeal concerning any matter affecting their course progression should follow the procedure referenced in the Complaint and Grievance Resolution Policy.

Responsible for implementation

Program Directors

Key stakeholders

Faculty and students

Related documents

Complaint and Grievance Form

Amend Enrolment Form (students should lodge their application through the Student Gateway, including all required supporting documentation) 


Course Progression Procedure

Early Intervention - Monitoring Attendance

Where appropriate, lecturers record electronically all student attendance in each face-to-face or online subject or unit. A student whose attendance falls below the prescribed attendance for the subject, without approval, is notified in writing by the lecturer and required to meet with the lecturer. Lecturers are advised to keep records of the advice and assistance they give students.

If a student's attendance has fallen below the prescribed attendance for the subject, and the student has met and received approval from the lecturer regarding the circumstances for low attendance, the lecturer may allow the student to progress.

If a student’s attendance falls below the prescribed attendance for the subject, without approval, the lecturer informs the student, in writing, that they are at risk of failing the subject, on the basis that their low attendance may impact their capacity to achieve the learning outcomes of the subject or unit.

Early Intervention – Monitoring Student Engagement and Progress

Prior to census date, AC will assess students to determine their course progress or engagement to ensure they are validly enrolled.

Engagement is defined as a student logging onto their LMS enrolled unit/subject page and/or attending class.

If a student does not show engagement prior to census date and AC (Faculty and/or Student Support) cannot contact the student, their enrolment will be automatically cancelled.

After census date, a Program Director may determine that a student is at risk of unsatisfactory progress.

Monitoring Course Progress

Course progress at the course level is monitored and reported by Program Directors (or equivalent). Following monitoring of student performance assessment and/or the Internal Monitoring of Grades at the end of each term/semester students are identified as:

  1. Maintaining satisfactory course progress - no further action is required.
  2.  At risk of unsatisfactory course progress – an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy is implemented. This is an ‘early warning notice’ and is an indicator of a student being at risk of unsatisfactory progress. Provisional Entry Students may have their enrolment excluded at this point (see the Provisional Entry Qualifying Period Policy).
  3. Not maintaining satisfactory progress - a student may be excluded from a subject, unit or course – see ‘Exclusion from Subject and Course Policy’.

Intervention Procedure for Students-at-Risk of Unsatisfactory Progress

If a student is identified as being at risk of unsatisfactory course progress, either following the Internal Monitoring of Grades or at an earlier point, they are sent an ‘early warning notice’ by a representative of the Student Progression team. This notice informs the student that they are being placed on an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy and must outline suggestions to:

  • meet with the Program Director to discuss their progress;
  • reduce their study load;
  • take a leave of absence, if eligible;
  • receive academic study skills and/or language assistance;
  • improve attendance;
  • be placed in a suitable alternative subject or course of study;
  • be referred to counselling/pastoral sessions to receive assistance with personal issues that are influencing their progress.

The student is also warned that they will need to improve their course progression to a satisfactory level to maintain their candidature. Failure to maintain satisfactory course progression may lead to the student being excluded from the course.

For international students, failure to maintain satisfactory progression may be reported via PRISMS, depending on the outcome of any appeals process. If their academic non-progress indicates a delayed completion date, AC will access PRISMS to issue a new CoE with a revised completion date. A copy is placed on their student file and given to the student.

Students who are on an Academic Progress Intervention Strategy are to have their academic progress reviewed at the subsequent semester/term Internal Monitoring of Grades. At this meeting, students are to be identified as:

1. Successful Implementation: Student has made satisfactory course progress and is:

  • informed of their removal from the Academic Progress Intervention Strategy.
  • allowed to enrol as normal.

2. Unsuccessful Implementation: Student deemed to be not maintaining satisfactory course progress or has not met other requirements of the Academic Progress Intervention Strategy.

  • The student is excluded from the award and not allowed to re-enrol. See ‘Exclusion from a Course or Subject Policy’.

Appeals Procedures

Any student who wishes to lodge an appeal concerning any matter affecting their course progression or course attendance should follow the procedure referenced in the ‘Complaint and Grievance Resolution Policy’.

Where the student has provided a successful appeal, the Program Director (or equivalent) will decide whether an intervention strategy will be necessary for the student.

Transfer of a Course of Study

Domestic students wanting to change their course of study must complete the ‘Transfer of Course’ form on their Student Gateway.

International students who have not completed at least six months of their principal course must complete the online ‘Application for Release’ form. Refer to the International Student Policy for more information.

All students must demonstrate they meet the admission criteria and that the change will not preclude them from progressing in the intended course of study.