Higher Degree Research Candidates

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Surname, Given name Language Course of Study Title of Project
English Doctor of Ministry African-initiated Pentecostal Churches: Towards an African Diaspora Missiology in Australia
Korean Doctor of Philosophy Toward a model for the development of a missional church congregations in /GAPCK' of Korean Presbyterian Church.
English Doctor of Philosophy The Church as a Learning Community: Communal learning and inquiry as locally embodied expression of the gospel
English Doctor of Ministry Theological beliefs and factors regarding healing among Pentecostals and Charismatics in Miami
Korean Master of Philosophy 노령화 사회에서의 노인의문제와 교회의 역할
English Doctor of Philosophy The Forty Days of Resurrection Appearances in Luke 24:1−53 and Acts 1:1−11 as Preparation for the Apostles’ Post-Ascension Mission
English Doctor of Philosophy Australian Pentecostal experiences of spiritual struggles – a hermeneutical phenomenological study and spiritual theology framework.
English Doctor of Philosophy The significance of emotional and spiritual intelligence in effective mentoring
English Doctor of Philosophy History of the Theology of C3 Movement
English Doctor of Philosophy Re-imagining parent partnership in Christian education: the impact of parent teacher coaching in building parent partnerships
English Doctor of Philosophy Koinos and modern social capital theory
Korean Doctor of Philosophy A Study of the Re-establishment toward a Discipleship Theology for the Korean Diaspora in Australia: Focused on the Meaning Analysis of “ἀνάθεμα”
Korean Doctor of Philosophy Luke 4:16-19: A Theological and Socio-scientific Interpretation of Korean Diaspora in Australia for the Search of their Political and Social Identity (Re-interpreting the Holy Spirit and Gospel Accounts in the Gospel of Luke from the Perspective of Minjun
Korean Doctor of Philosophy Parental Education Plan for the Development of Youth Children’s Intimacy with God: Focusing on the Korean Church in Australia
English Doctor of Philosophy A Study of an Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Network in Indonesia : Patterns of Belief, Religious Practice and Identity.
English Doctor of Ministry A History of Hills Christian Life Centre
English Doctor of Philosophy TBA
English Doctor of Ministry Facilitating the progression of women into positions of senior leadership in the Australian Christian Churches: identifiying opportunities and obstacles
English Doctor of Philosophy A Theological and Scientific Study within the Framework of T. F. Torrance and James E. Loder: A New Perspective on the Relationship between God and the Natural World
English Doctor of Philosophy Christian Rites of Passage Programs in Educational Settings: Identity Formation Among Adolescents