ACA001 - Faith and Purpose
ACA101 - Faith and Purpose
ACA401 - Faith and Purpose
ACC001 - Introduction to Accounting & Bookkeeping
ACC101 - Accounting for Decision Making
ACC201 - Accounting and Financial Management
ACC202 - Financial Reporting
ACC210 - Management Accounting
ACC212 - Accounting Information Systems
ACC301 - Accounting for Groups
ACC302 - Financial Statement Analysis
ACC305 - Accountability, Social Responsibility and Sustainability
ACC310 - Advanced Management Accounting
ACC311 - Accounting Theory and Current Issues
ACC320 - Audit and Assurance
ANL101 - Old Testament Hebrew 1
ANL151 - New Testament Greek 1
ANL201 - Old Testament Hebrew 2
ANL251 - New Testament Greek 2
ANL301 - Old Testament Hebrew 3
ANL351 - New Testament Greek 3
ANL401 - Old Testament Hebrew I
ANL402 - New Testament Greek I
ANL501 - Old Testament Hebrew II
ANL502 - New Testament Greek II
ANL503 - New Testament Greek III
ANL504 - Old Testament Hebrew III
BIB009 - Old Testament Foundations
BIB010 - New Testament Foundations
BIB104 - Old Testament Foundations
BIB105 - New Testament Foundations
BIB204 - Biblical Interpretation
BIB210 - The Pentateuch
BIB213 - Historical Books of the Old Testament
BIB214 - World of the Old Testament
BIB215 - The Spirit in the Old Testament
BIB216 - John’s Gospel and Revelation
BIB252 - The Prison Epistles
BIB254 - The World of the New Testament
BIB258 - Building Pauline Churches—The Pastoral Epistles and Thessalonians
BIB312 - Isaiah
BIB314 - Wisdom and Worship
BIB315 - The Community in Exile
BIB340 - Jesus and the Gospels
BIB341 - Acts of the Apostles
BIB349 - Old Testament Field Study
BIB352 - Romans and Galatians
BIB353 - I & II Corinthians
BIB359 - New Testament Field Study
BIB404 - Old Testament Foundations
BIB405 - New Testament Foundations
BIB504 - Biblical Interpretation
BIB515 - The Spirit in the Old Testament
BIB516 - John’s Gospel and Revelation
BIB520 - The Pentateuch
BIB523 - Historical Books of the Old Testament
BIB532 - Isaiah
BIB534 - World of the Old Testament
BIB535 - Wisdom and Worship
BIB536 - The Community in Exile
BIB540 - Jesus and the Gospels
BIB541 - Acts of the Apostles
BIB552 - The Prison Epistles
BIB554 - The World of the New Testament
BIB558 - Building Pauline Churches—The Pastoral Epistles and Thessalonians
BIB562 - Romans and Galatians
BIB563 - I & II Corinthians
BIB590 - New Testament Field Study
BIB592 - Old Testament Field Study
BIB601 - Methods in Biblical Studies
BIB602 - Seminar Presentation of Research in Biblical Studies
BSBADM307B - Organise Schedules
BSBADM405B - Organise Meetings
BSBATSIL503 - Manage conflict
BSBCMM301A - Process Customer Complaints
BSBCMM401A - Make a Presentation
BSBCMM411 - Make presentations
BSBCMN411A - Monitor a safe workplace
BSBCRT401 - Articulate, present and debate ideas
BSBCRT413 - Collaborate in a creative process
BSBCRT501 - Originate and develop concepts
BSBCRT512 - Originate and Develop Concepts
BSBCUS301A - Deliver and monitor a service to customers
BSBCUS403A - Implementation of Customer Service Standards
BSBDIB301A - Work effectivly with diversity
BSBFLM412A - Promote team effectiveness
BSBINN301A - Promote Innovation in a Team environment
BSBIPR401 - Use and respect copyright
BSBITU302A - Create Electronic Presentations
BSBITU304A - Produce Spreadsheets
BSBITU306A - Design and Produce business documents
BSBLDR403 - Lead team effectiveness
BSBLDR414 - Lead team effectiveness
BSBLED301A - Undertake e-Learning
BSBLED401A - Develop Teams and Individuals
BSBMGT405A - Provide Personal Leadership
BSBMKG414A - Undertake Marketing Activity
BSBOHS301B - Apply knowledge of OHS legislation in the workplace
BSBOHS407A - Monitor a Safe Workplace
BSBPEF403 - Lead personal development
BSBPMG522 - Undertake project work
BSBPUR301B - Purchase Goods and Services
BSBREL402A - Build Client Relationships and Business Networks
BSBRSK401A - Identify Risk and apply risk management
BSBSMB301 - Investigate micro-business opportunites
BSBSMB404A - Undertake Small Business Planning
BSBTWK502 - Manage team effectiveness
BSBWHS211 - Contribute to the health and safety of self and others
BSBWOR301A - Organise personal work priorities and development
BSBWOR502 - Lead and manage team effectiveness
BSBXTW301 - Work in a team
BSBXTW401 - Lead and facilitate a team
BUS001 - Quantitative Skills
BUS002 - Australian Legal Environment and Ethics
BUS003 - Introduction to Business Legal Environments and Ethics
BUS004 - Introduction to Business Analytics
BUS005 - Quantitative Skills for Business
BUS101 - Business Law
BUS102 - Economics
BUS104 - Introduction to Business Analytics
BUS105 - Quantitative Skills
BUS120 - Business Information Systems
BUS202 - Financial Decision Making
BUS203 - Financial Integrity System
BUS205 - Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
BUS210 - Business Intelligence and Data Visualisation
BUS220 - Excel and Data Analytics
BUS250 - Corporations Law
BUS251 - Ethics in Data Analysis
BUS260 - Business Finance
BUS303 - Not-for-Profit Governance, Law and Taxation
BUS320 - Data Mining and Machine Learning
BUS321 - Predictive Analytics
BUS322 - Financial Analytics
BUS323 - Marketing Analytics
BUS350 - Taxation Law
BUS547 - Entrepreneurship, Business and Mission
BUS561 - Financial Stewardship
BUS585 - Church and Not-for-Profit Law
BUS587 - Special Elective – Integrating Faith and Work
BUS590 - Information Systems Management
CCM001 - Introduction to Cross Cultural Ministry
CCM101 - Introduction to Cross Cultural Ministry
CCM209 - Pentecostal Ministry in Spirit World Aware Contexts
CCM304 - World Religions
CCM305 - Exploring Islam
CCM392 - Cross Cultural Ministry Field Study
CCM401 - Introduction to Cross Cultural Ministry
CCM505 - Exploring Islam
CCM508 - World Religions
CCM509 - Pentecostal Ministry in Spirit World Aware Contexts
CCM592 - Cross Cultural Ministry Field Study
CHCAGE001 - Facilitate the empowerment of older people
CHCAOD001 - Work in an alcohol and other drugs context
CHCCCS003 - Increase the safety of individuals at risk of suicide
CHCCCS004 - Assess co-existing needs
CHCCCS016 - Respond to client needs
CHCCCS017 - Provide loss and grief support
CHCCHILD401A - Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
CHCCOM002 - Use communication to build relationships
CHCDFV001 - Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence
CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people
CHCGMB001 - Assess the needs of clients with problem gambling issues
CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically
CHCMHS001 - Work with people with mental health issues
CHCPAS001 - Plan for the provision of pastoral and spiritual care
CHCPAS002 - Provide pastoral and spiritual care
CHCPAS401A - Undertake pastoral care work
CHCPRP003 - Reflect on and improve own professional practice
CHCSOH001 - Work with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
CHCVOL003 - Recruit and coordinate volunteers
CHCYTH002 - Work effectively with young people in the youth work context
CLEAD402B - Acquire Leadership Skills
CLEAD505A - Deliver a public speech
COM001 - Business Communication
COM102 - English Communication for Contemporary Ministry (Speaking and Listening)
COM103 - English Communication for Contemporary Ministry (Reading and Writing)
COM500 - Communication Theory
COM502 - Organisational Communication
COM503 - Interpersonal Communication
COM505 - Intercultural Communication
CRS103 - Language and Literacy
CRS104 - Numeracy and Literacy
CRS107 - Elementary Mathematics
CRS202 - History and Geography: Part A
CRS203 - English: Part A
CRS204 - Geography and History
CRS205 - Birth to 5 Years Language and Literacy
CRS206 - Years K-2 Reading and Writing
CRS207 - Years 3-6 Reading and Writing
CRS208 - Primary Mathematics 1
CRS209 - Primary Mathematics 2
CRS211 - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part A
CRS212 - Science and Technology: Part A
CRS214 - Mathematics: Part A
CRS220 - Curriculum Studies - English: Part A
CRS221 - Creative Arts: Part A
CRS222 - Curriculum Studies – Geography: Part A
CRS223 - Curriculum Studies – History: Part A
CRS224 - Curriculum Studies – Mathematics: Part A
CRS228 - Curriculum Studies – Information and Software Technology
CRS229 - Curriculum Studies - Computing Technology
CRS231 - Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part A
CRS233 - Science and Technology
CRS235 - Curriculum Studies – Visual Arts: Part A
CRS236 - Creative Arts
CRS240 - Curriculum Studies – Music: Part A
CRS241 - Curriculum Studies – Drama: Part A
CRS250 - Curriculum Studies – Commerce
CRS301 - STEAMS 1: Spirituality, Technology, English, Arts, Mathematics, Science
CRS302 - History and Geography: Part B
CRS303 - English Part B
CRS304 - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
CRS305 - STEAMS 2: Spirituality, Technology, English, Arts, Mathematics, Science
CRS306 - Years K-6 Language and Literacy
CRS311 - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part B
CRS312 - Science and Technology: Part B
CRS314 - Mathematics: Part B
CRS321 - Creative Arts: Part B
CRS330 - Curriculum Studies – English: Part B
CRS331 - Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part B
CRS332 - Curriculum Studies – Geography: Part B
CRS333 - Curriculum Studies – History: Part B
CRS334 - Curriculum Studies – Mathematics: Part B
CRS335 - Curriculum Studies – Visual Arts: Part B
CRS338 - Curriculum Studies – Information Processes and Technology
CRS340 - Curriculum Studies – Music: Part B
CRS341 - Curriculum Studies – Drama: Part B
CRS350 - Curriculum Studies – Business Studies
CRS352 - Curriculum Studies – Studies of Religion
CRS360 - Curriculum Studies - Health and Movement Science
CRS403 - Curriculum Studies – English: Part A
CRS411 - Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part A
CRS412 - Curriculum Studies – Geography: Part A
CRS413 - Curriculum Studies – History: Part A
CRS414 - Curriculum Studies – Mathematics: Part A
CRS418 - Curriculum Studies – Information and Software Technology
CRS419 - Curriculum Studies - Computing Technology
CRS431 - Curriculum Studies – Drama: Part A
CRS433 - Curriculum Studies – Music: Part A
CRS435 - Curriculum Studies – Visual Arts: Part A
CRS441 - Curriculum Studies - Integrated Sciences
CRS450 - Curriculum Studies – Commerce
CRS502 - Curriculum Studies – Economics
CRS503 - Curriculum Studies – English: Part B
CRS511 - Curriculum Studies – Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Part B
CRS512 - Curriculum Studies – Geography: Part B
CRS514 - Curriculum Studies – Mathematics: Part B
CRS515 - Curriculum Studies – Modern History
CRS516 - Curriculum Studies – Ancient History
CRS518 - Curriculum Studies – Information Processes and Technology
CRS531 - Curriculum Studies – Drama: Part B
CRS532 - Curriculum Studies – Studies of Religion
CRS533 - Curriculum Studies – Music: Part B
CRS535 - Curriculum Studies – Visual Arts: Part B
CRS541 - Curriculum Studies - Physics
CRS542 - Curriculum Studies - Chemistry
CRS543 - Curriculum Studies - Biology
CRS550 - Curriculum Studies – Business Studies
CRS560 - Curriculum Studies - Health and Movement Science
CSCORG202A - Communicate effectively
CUAANM403 - Create titles for screen productions
CUAANM413 - Create titles for screen productions
CUACAM401 - Shoot a wide range of screen content
CUACAM411 - Shoot different screen content
CUACAM601 - Direct cinematography for screen productions
CUACMP311 - Implement copyright arrangements
CUACMP501 - Manage copyright arrangements
CUADRT502 - Direct performers for screen productions
CUAIND313 - Work effectively in the music industry
CUAIND402 - Provide freelance services
CUAIND412 - Provide freelance services
CUAIND502 - Maintain and apply creative arts industry knowledge
CUAIND512 - Enhance professional practice using creative arts industry knowledge
CUALED501 - Provide instrumental or vocal tuition
CUALED502 - Provide tuition for composition
CUAMCP312 - Write song lyrics
CUAMCP313 - Create simple musical pieces using music technology
CUAMCP401 - Develop techniques for arranging music
CUAMCP402 - Develop techniques for composing music
CUAMCP502 - Compose music for screen
CUAMLT301 - Develop and apply aural perception skills
CUAMLT401 - Notate music for performance
CUAMLT501 - Refine aural perception skills
CUAMPF213 - Perform simple repertoire in ensembles
CUAMPF311 - Develop technical skills in music performances
CUAMPF312 - Prepare for musical performances
CUAMPF314 - Make a music demo
CUAMPF315 - Develop and perform musical improvisation
CUAMPF401 - Rehearse music for group performances
CUAMPF404 - Perform music as part of a group
CUAMPF405 - Develop instrumental techniques
CUAMPF407 - Develop vocal techniques
CUAMPF410 - Perform music from written notation
CUAMPF504 - Perform improvisation for audiences
CUAMPF505 - Develop technical skills and expand repertoire
CUAMPF507 - Provide musical leadership in performance
CUAPOS401 - Edit screen content for fast turnaround
CUAPOS411 - Edit digital content for fast turnaround
CUAPOS501 - Edit complex screen productions
CUAPOS511 - Edit complex media productions
CUAPPM406 - Coordinate film and media production services and resources
CUAPPM416 - Coordinate media production services and resources
CUAPPR411 - Realise a creative project
CUAPPR505 - Establish and maintain safe creative practice
CUAPPR515 - Establish and maintain safe creative practice
CUASOU405 - Record sound
CUASOU409 - Mix recorded music
CUASOU410 - Establish and maintain safe creative practice
CUAWHS302 - Apply work health and safety practices
CUAWRT502 - Develop storylines and treatments
CUAWRT503 - Write about music
CUAWRT512 - Develop storylines and treatments
DRA101 - Improvisation and Playbuilding
DRA202 - Performance Skills
DRA203 - World Theatre Studies
DRA310 - Direction and Production
DRA311 - Australian Theatre Studies
DRA312 - Applied Theatre
EDU103 - Foundations of Christian Education
EDU104 - Literacy and Numeracy
EDU105 - Introduction to Academic Writing and Research
EDU107 - Foundational Mathematics and Numeracy
EDU108 - Introduction to Academic Writing and Professional Communication
EDU113 - Wellbeing and Care
EDU115 - Brain Development from a 21st Century Perspective
EDU116 - Introduction to Learning Theory
EDU117 - Perspectives of Professional Practice
EDU121 - Critical Thinking for Effective Learning
EDU124 - Australian Indigenous and Multicultural Education
EDU125 - Australian Indigenous Education
EDU126 - Australian Indigenous Education
EDU127 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives
EDU204 - Literacy and Numeracy
EDU211 - Learning and Teaching through Digital Technologies
EDU212 - Inclusive Education
EDU214 - Praxis and Pedagogy of Play
EDU224 - Inclusive Education
EDU225 - Childhood and Adolescent Development
EDU226 - Childhood and Adolescent Development
EDU227 - Childhood Development
EDU228 - Child and Adolescent Development and Wellbeing
EDU231 - Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
EDU232 - Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
EDU233 - The Praxis and Pedagogy of Primary
EDU234 - Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting
EDU235 - Well-being and Engagement
EDU236 - Creating Positive Learning Environments
EDU310 - Comprehensive Teaching Integration
EDU315 - Leadership and Management
EDU316 - Differentiation, Classroom Engagement and Management
EDU320 - Cross Curricular Pedagogies
EDU322 - The Self-Reflective Educator
EDU332 - Learning and Teaching in Community Contexts
EDU333 - Learning and Teaching in Community Contexts
EDU340 - Learning and Teaching through ICT
EDU341 - Differentiated Curriculum and Learning Management
EDU342 - Learning and Teaching through ICT
EDU343 - Educational Psychology
EDU344 - Educational Psychology
EDU345 - Equity, Diversity and Differentiation
EDU346 - Equity, Diversity and Differentiation
EDU400 - Biblical Foundations of Education
EDU404 - Years K-2 Reading and Writing
EDU405 - Postgraduate Research and Writing
EDU407 - Foundations of Christian Education
EDU408 - Teaching and Learning Evidence and Practice
EDU415 - Language and Literacy
EDU419 - Mathematics and Numeracy (Years K-2)
EDU430 - Early Childhood Perspectives Past and Present
EDU431 - Early Childhood Practice and Pedagogy
EDU432 - Early Childhood Development, Wellbeing, and Inclusivity
EDU501 - Worldviews and Educational Practice
EDU502 - History and Geography
EDU503 - Curriculum Development in Christian Schools
EDU505 - A Biblical Vision for Christian School Leadership
EDU506 - Biblical Principles of School Management
EDU507 - Reflective Pedagogy
EDU508 - Educational Research and Evidence in Practice
EDU511 - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
EDU512 - Science and Technology
EDU513 - Learning and Teaching English
EDU516 - Formative Classroom Assessment
EDU517 - Assessment for Deeper Learning
EDU520 - Educational Leadership
EDU521 - Creative Arts
EDU522 - The Self-Reflective Educator
EDU523 - Inclusive Education
EDU524 - Learning Theories in Practice
EDU526 - Comparative and International Education
EDU531 - Directed Reading in Educational Leadership
EDU541 - Differentiated Curriculum and Learning Management
EDU542 - Learning and Teaching through ICT
EDU545 - Educational Policy Development
EDU546 - Equity and Inclusion: Educating Students with Disability
EDU551 - Perspectives on Teaching Mathematics
EDU555 - Digital Technology and Education
EDU561 - Leading Quality Teaching and Learning
EDU565 - Mentoring, coaching, and supervising in Christian education
EDU567 - Adults and Professional Learning
EDU570 - Planting New Schools
EDU572 - Community Partnerships in Education
EDU574 - The Social and Historical Context of Christian Schooling
EDU576 - Reforming Leadership: Overseeing Change and Continuity
EDU579 - Critical Evaluation of Professional Learning
EDU580 - Critical Analysis of Leadership Development
EDU590 - Capstone Review
EDU591 - Professional Experience (Part A & Part B)
EDU592 - Special Project in Education
EDU593 - Education Research Project
EDU594 - Reflexive Teaching through Action Research
EDU595 - Research Methods in Education
EDU596 - Reflective Project Capstone
EDU597 - Reflexive Leading Through Action Research
EDU598 - Education Research Project Capstone
EDU599 - Professional Experience
ENG101 - Literature from the Classical period to the 17th Century
ENG102 - 17th - 19th Century Literature in English
ENG201 - 20th - 21st Century English Literature
ENG202 - Australian Literature and Identity
ENG301 - Literary Criticism and the History of Western Thought
ENG302 - Film and Television
ENT001 - Entrepreneurship Foundations
ENT002 - Idea to Opportunity
ENT003 - Customer Research
ENT004 - Design Thinking
ENT005 - Storytelling for Entrepreneurs
ENT101 - Entrepreneurship Foundations
ENT102 - Idea to Opportunity
EXP001 - Professional Practice
EXP005 - Working with Older People
EXP007 - Professional Practice in Business
EXP008 - Entrepreneurship Professional Practice
EXP009 - Professional Practice in Chaplaincy
EXP112 - Professional Experience
EXP201 - Professional Practice
EXP202 - Professional Practice in Business
EXP210 - Professional Experience 1 – Minor 1
EXP211 - Professional Experience 1
EXP212 - Professional Experience 2
EXP213 - Professional Experience
EXP214 - Professional Experience
EXP215 - Professional Experience
EXP220 - Professional Experience
EXP233 - Professional Experience
EXP301 - Advanced Professional Practice
EXP302 - Advanced Professional Practice in Business
EXP305 - Working with Older People
EXP311 - Professional Experience 3
EXP312 - Professional Experience 4
EXP313 - Professional Experience 2 – Minor 2
EXP314 - Professional Experience 3 - Major
EXP316 - Professional Experience
EXP321 - Professional Experience
EXP322 - Professional Experience
EXP431 - Professional Experience 1
EXP450 - Practicum A
EXP501 - Professional Practice
EXP505 - Aged Care
EXP506 - Justice Frameworks
EXP550 - Professional Placement - Chaplaincy
GEO101 - Population and Development
GEO202 - Biophysical Interactions
GEO203 - Global Resource Consumption and Security
GEO301 - Food and Health
GEO302 - Environmental Sustainability
GEO303 - Urban Environment
HIS102 - Church History Foundations
HIS105 - Australians at War
HIS240 - Australian Indigenous History
HIS303 - First Century Rome
HIS390 - Historical Theory and Method
HIS402 - Church History Foundations
HLTHIR403C - Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
HRM201 - Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
HRM202 - Human Resource Planning and Development
HRM203 - Management of Workplace Health & Safety
HRM216 - Volunteer Management
HRM302 - Performance Management
HRM351 - Industrial Relations
HUM101 - The West and the Making of the Globalised World
HUM240 - Australia in the Asia-Pacific
HUM301 - Germany 1800-1945: A Global History
LEA004 - Personal Leadership
LEA005 - Leadership Principles
LEA201 - Leadership Principles
LEA202 - Leadership Principles (Arrow)
LEA220 - Developing Women Leaders
LEA301 - Advanced Leadership and Decision Making
LEA302 - Strategic Thinking and Planning
LEA303 - Strategic Challenges, Innovation and Change
LEA304 - Advanced Leadership and Decision Making (Arrow)
LEA311 - Creativity and Entrepreneurship
LEA401 - Authentic Leadership
LEA402 - Introduction to Leadership (Arrow)
LEA403 - Raising Christian Leaders
LEA411 - Transformational Leadership
LEA501 - Human Resources Management
LEA503 - Spirit-led Leadership
LEA511 - Creativity and Entrepreneurship
LEA520 - Building Teams
LEA530 - Strategic Thinking
LEA535 - Organisational Leadership
LEA536 - Organisational Leadership (Arrow)
LEA540 - Advanced Preaching (for Experienced Preachers)
LEA550 - Governance, Law and Ethics
LEA601 - Theory and Practice in Leadership
LEA802 - Advanced Studies in Leadership
LEDCHA501 - Develop personal character and relationship skills
LEDCHA502 - Apply ethical values in leadership
LEDCOM501 - Deliver a public speech
LEDLED501 - Acquire leadership skills
LEDLED502 - Identify leaders and develop leadership skills
LEDWLD501 - Understand and develop a worldview
MAN001 - Introduction to Management
MAN003 - Project Management
MAN101 - Introduction to Management
MAN201 - Organisational Behaviour
MAN311 - Strategic Management
MAN351 - International Management
MAT101 - Mathematics 1A
MAT102 - Mathematics 1B
MAT201 - Linear Algebra and Operations Research
MAT202 - Advanced Calculus & Statistics
MAT211 - Linear Algebra & Statistics
MAT222 - Advanced Calculus
MAT301 - Abstract Algebra and Number Theory
MAT302 - Mathematical Analysis
MIN001 - Introduction to Pastoral Ministry
MIN003 - Preaching
MIN005 - Children’s Ministry
MIN006 - Youth Ministry
MIN012 - Character Formation and Ministry
MIN013 - Chaplaincy Ministry
MIN014 - Theories and Practices in Chaplaincy
MIN015 - Chaplaincy Support in Practice
MIN101 - Introduction to Pastoral Ministry
MIN102 - Christian Spirituality
MIN201 - Pastoral Administration and Management
MIN202 - Communicating the Christian Faith
MIN203 - Preaching
MIN204 - Healing Ministry
MIN205 - Church and Society
MIN206 - Pentecostal Ministry Foundations
MIN220 - Youth Ministry
MIN221 - Children's Ministry
MIN231 - Women and Men in Christian Ministry
MIN302 - Discipleship
MIN304 - Church Planting
MIN305 - Relationships
MIN326 - Advanced Children's and Youth Ministry
MIN401 - Foundations of Pastoral Ministry
MIN402 - Christian Spirituality
MIN501 - Pastoral Administration and Management
MIN503 - Pentecostal Ministry Foundations
MIN504 - Preaching and Public Communication
MIN505 - Relationships
MIN506 - Healing Ministry
MIN507 - Church and Society
MIN508 - Church Planting
MIN509 - Discipleship
MIN510 - Communicating the Christian Faith
MIN520 - Youth Ministry
MIN521 - Children’s Ministry
MIN531 - Women and Men in Christian Ministry
MIN601 - Theory and Practice in Ministry
MIN602 - Seminar Presentation of Ministry Research
MINBIB401 - Effectively communicate the principles of the Old Testament
MINBIB402 - Effectively communicate the principles of the New Testament
MINBIB501 - Investigate and apply biblical data
MINBIB502 - Investigate and interpret the message of an Old Testament book
MINBIB503 - Investigate and interpret the message of a New Testament book
MINCOM501 - Preach a Sermon
MINDIS401 - Develop spiritual disciplines for Christian living
MINPAS401 - Participate in Christian ministry
MINPAS402 - Work in a ministry team
MINPAS403 - Apply effective evangelism principles
MINPAS406A - Understand world religions
MINPAS407B - Identify and participate in a function of church ministry
MINPAS415A - Develop strategies for church planting
MINPAS416A - Implement principles of church development
MINPAS501 - Implement and evaluate a ministry activity
MINTHE401 - Investigate and apply a Christian Theology
MINTHE501 - Apply Christian ethical principles
MINWLD502 - Investigate and apply a Pentecostal worldview
MKT001 - Foundations of Marketing
MKT101 - Foundations of Marketing
MKT201 - Sales Management
MKT202 - Consumer Behaviour
MKT216 - Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organisations
MKT251 - Marketing Communication
MKT301 - Market Research
MKT351 - International Marketing
MUS010 - Music Theory, Aural Skills, and Technology
MUS020 - Independent Study in Specific Creative Arts
MUS030 - Music Performance
MUS035 - Music Ensembles
MUS101 - Music History
MUS201 - Musicology
MUS205 - Write Songs
MUS230 - Music Performance
MUS307 - Music and Technology
MUS335 - Music Ensembles
MUS340 - Composition and Songwriting
MUS401 - Music History
MUS451 - Musicology
NAT11088001 - Induct disciples into the central beliefs and practices of a church
NAT11088002 - Disciple a church member
NAT11088003 - Provide foundational care in a church ministry setting
NAT11088004 - Invite people to become Christian disciples
NAT11088005 - Create tools facilitating the learning and communication of the Bible
NAT11088006 - Interpret the Bible for personal and communal edification
PSPGEN018 - Work with a coach or mentor
RES101 - Introduction to Academic Writing and Research
RES401 - Postgraduate Research and Writing
RES402 - Honours Research Methods
RES403 - Honours Research Thesis
RES405 - English for Theological Purposes
RES500 - Independent Guided Research
RES501 - Research Project
RES591 - Leadership Research Project
RES601 - Research Methods
RES602 - Research Project
RES701 - Research Methods
RES703 - Research Thesis
RES801 - Survey of Research Methods
RES802 - Research Thesis
RES803 - PhD Research Thesis
SITTGDE007 - Research and share general information on Australian Indigenous cultures
SSC001 - Psychology of Emotion
SSC002 - Working with Trauma
SSC003 - Working with Addictions
SSC005 - Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care
SSC009 - Methods of Youth Work
SSC010 - Understanding Trauma
SSC011 - Understanding Addictions
SSC012 - Methods of Youth Work
SSC100 - Foundations in Social Research, Writing, and Methods
SSC110 - Psychology of Emotion and Wellbeing
SSC111 - Case Management
SSC113 - Interpersonal Communication Skills
SSC210 - Human Lifespan Development
SSC211 - Principles of Psychology
SSC212 - Grief and Loss
SSC213 - Social Identity in Australia
SSC215 - Group and Community Work
SSC216 - Mental Health
SSC217 - Applied Counselling Theories
SSC218 - Working with Trauma
SSC221 - Foundations of Professional Practice
SSC222 - Ethical and Professional Issues
SSC300 - Professional Practice
SSC310 - Field Placement - Counselling
SSC312 - Field Placement - Youth Studies
SSC313 - Field Placement - Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care
SSC318 - Working with Trauma
SSC319 - Professional Accountability
SSC331 - Solution Focused Therapy and Positive Psychology
SSC334 - Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care
SSC335 - Culturally and Socially Diverse Practice
SSC336 - Cognitive Behavioural Theories and Therapies
SSC337 - Working with Addictions
SSC338 - Working with Relationships
SSC339 - Working with Children and Young People
SSC340 - Engaging Families
SSC343 - Youth Work
SSC345 - Youth Issues
SSC400 - Foundations in Social Research, Writing, and Methods
SSC410 - Psychology of Emotion and Wellbeing
SSC411 - Case Management
SSC413 - Interpersonal Communication Skills
SSC447 - Trauma Informed Practice I
SSC461 - Introduction to Professional Supervision
SSC500 - Professional Practice - Counselling
SSC510 - Human Lifespan Development
SSC511 - Principles of Psychology
SSC512 - Grief and Loss
SSC513 - Social Identity in Australia
SSC515 - Group and Community Work
SSC516 - Mental Health
SSC517 - Applied Counselling Theories
SSC518 - Working with Trauma
SSC519 - Professional Accountability
SSC520 - Professional Considerations
SSC521 - Foundations of Professional Practice
SSC522 - Ethical and Professional Issues
SSC531 - Solution Focused Therapy and Positive Psychology
SSC534 - Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care
SSC535 - Culturally and Socially Diverse Practice
SSC536 - Cognitive Behavioural Theories and Therapies
SSC537 - Working with Addictions
SSC538 - Working with Relationships
SSC539 - Working with Children and Young People
SSC540 - Engaging Families
SSC543 - Youth Work
SSC548 - Trauma Informed Practice II
SSC550 - Trauma Informed Counselling I
SSC551 - Trauma Informed Counselling II
SSC560 - Supervision of People Helpers
SSC561 - Professional Accountability for Supervisors
SSC562 - Professional Supervision in Practice
SSC563 - Professional Supervision
THE005 - Introduction to Theology
THE101 - Christian Worldview
THE105 - Introduction to Theology
THE201 - Christian Ethics
THE202 - Christ and Salvation
THE204 - Pneumatology
THE208 - Trinity and Christian Life
THE310 - Apologetics
THE311 - Ecclesiology
THE313 - Creation and Humanity
THE320 - Theology and Psychology
THE401 - Christian Worldview
THE401(MTP&MTS) - Christian Worldview
THE405 - Introduction to Theology
THE501 - Christ and Salvation
THE503 - Pneumatology
THE504 - Christian Ethics
THE508 - Trinity and Christian Life
THE511 - Ecclesiology
THE512 - Apologetics
THE513 - Creation and Humanity
THE530 - Theology and Psychology
THE601 - Theologians: Method and Meaning
THE602 - Seminar Presentation of Theological Research
VBQU130 - Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio
VPAM546 - Education in Australia
VPAM547 - Australian Art and Culture
VPAU523 - Give oral presentations for further study
VPAU524 - Participate in a range of interactions for further study
VPAU525 - Read and write straight forward texts for research purposes
VPAU526 - Analyse and produce a range of straightforward texts relevant to further study
VPAU527 - Listen and take notes for research
VPAU528 - Use language learning strategies and study skills
WOR001 - Introduction to Worship Ministry
WOR002 - Write Songs
WOR101 - Introduction to Worship Ministry
WOR130 - Independent Study in Specific Creative Arts 1
WOR205 - Worship, Arts and Church History
WOR215 - Worship in Comparative Religious Contexts
WOR220 - Lyrics and Theology
WOR301 - Practicum in Worship Ministry
WOR310 - Worship in Contemporary Context
WOR320 - Worship Leadership
XXX587 - Special Elective
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