Curriculum Studies – English: Part B

This subject will give students an opportunity to consider global perspectives in education and the implications for teaching English based on these perspectives. It will provide exposure to the current Australian curriculum in English using a variety of frameworks teaching English to diverse learners and will address the role of literacy across the curriculum, literacy for academic purposes and workplace multi literacies.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: CRS503
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Elizabeth Beech


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Curriculum Studies – English: Part B

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This subject requires pre-service teachers to continue to reflect on their theoretical knowledge and understanding of secondary English teaching. There will be an emphasis on teaching the ACARA English curriculum 11-12 and NSW English syllabi (Stages 6). It will focus on current pedagogical perspectives in English and allow pre-service teachers to develop critical knowledge and skills in using multimodal texts. This subject will give opportunity to consider global perspectives in education and the implications for teaching English based on these perspectives. They will make links to their own practice and range of strategies they have developed. They will have opportunity to ‘reflect’ on their practice and the impact on competing worldviews, developing a well research evidence based justification for their own approach to teaching secondary English. It will provide exposure to the current Australian curriculum in English using a variety of frameworks teaching English to diverse learners. It will address the role of literacy across the curriculum, literacy for academic purposes and workplace multi literacies.


  1. Identify a sound conceptual knowledge of pedagogical principles and practices utilising contemporary curriculum frameworks for the ACARA English curriculum 11-12 and NSW English syllabi (Stages 6) (concepts, substance and structure) and analyse their usefulness;
  2. Examine in depth the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing in the learning and teaching of secondary English utilising digital and multimodal texts;
  3. Critically analyse the impact of worldview on content choice and strategies;
  4. Critically analyse secondary English and construct assessment activities across the years 11-12 continuum;
  5. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of how to effectively design, implement, monitor and evaluate a literacy program for diverse learners, including students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, and demonstrate in depth knowledge and understanding of recent theory and practice related to the acquisition of reading, writing, speaking, listening and visual literacy;
  6. Critically explore and appraise the key elements of the ACARA English curriculum 11-12 and NSW English syllabi (Stages 6) and engage in the teaching of programs for diverse learners from a range of abilities and backgrounds;
  7. Demonstrate relevant alignment of their skill development in English teaching to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers; forming their own research and evidenced base justification for how they will teach English;
  8. Conduct a micro teaching event that demonstrates a range of communication strategies as well as supporting students’ well-being and safety;
  9. Review various global perspectives in secondary Education and the implications for academic and workplace literacy development.

Subject Content

  1. Knowledge about written language: relationship between context and text, language structures and features, text structures grammar and conventions; contributing skills and strategies: processes, grammar, spelling, punctuation and handwriting); the nature and role of teaching English; English as a language of communication for positive participation in society, purpose of language and desired audience(s), through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing experiences, ideas and values from specific worldviews.
  2. Pedagogical approaches and viewpoints with a focus on the learning and teaching of English in years 11-12 using multimodal texts and digital media; text types; literary texts (e.g. plot, setting, characterisation, mood); creating texts; editing text; use of text software;
  3. Assessment in English strategies:Using a range of models and strategies to teach and assess English in particular reading and writing: fluency, vocabulary knowledge and text comprehension, concepts of grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting.Evaluation and analysis of theory and practice related to acquisition of reading, writing, speaking, and visual literacy.
  4. Global developments in secondary English teaching and assessment. Language and literacy across the curriculum and for academic purposes and workplace literacy.
  5. Evaluate current English Syllabus11–12 being taught; explicit teaching of contextual knowledge, comprehension, thinking and reflecting skills and processes; the interplay between the range of communication types (print, spoken, visual, digital and multimedia texts) including linking to ACARA and texts appropriate to syllabus in instructions; intercultural experiences (Aboriginal histories and cultures, Asian perspectives and environmental sustainability); the continuum making meaning through language to values and attitudes.
  6. Knowledge of the Australian Curriculum. Having a thorough understanding of the Australian English Curriculum and learning and teaching implications for the syllabus. Meeting the needs of diverse learners e.g. second language learners and the various learners on the learning continuum. Programming English programs, which show evidence of pedagogical perspectives, technology, designing templates for programs and lesson plans and multimodal texts, which are inclusive of all learners.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Intensive
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Multimedia Teaching Resource (30%)
  2. Unit of Work (35%)
  3. Critical Reflection and Instructional Video (35%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references