History and Geography
Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the pre-service teacher seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the pre-service teachers’ worldviews.
Quick Info
- Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
- Course code: EDU502
- Credit points: 10
- Subject coordinator: Cassandra Pendlebury
The following courses are prerequisites:
- EDU401—Foundations in Christian Learning and Teaching or 40 credit points
Awards offering History and Geography
This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:
Unit Content
Curriculum Objective
This subject provides in-depth exploration of the Learning Areas of History and Geography and opens prospects for integration with others. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the pre-service teachers’ worldviews. Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the pre-service teacher seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations.
- Explain the importance of the History and Geography syllabus in the context of contemporary multi-faith societies and in the light of the pre-service teachers’ developing philosophy of Christian education;
- Critically appraise one’s own personal worldview in the light of changing society’s values nd the challenges engendered in teaching values in school;
- Critically analyse the historical development of Australian society, including Australian Indigenous history, and identify potential models for future peace and prosperity;
- Evaluate and contrast the development of the most recent Australian History and Geography -6 curricula with the latest NSW NESA syllabi;
- Construct programs for sustainable earth stewardship, according to the biblical mandate, that capture the imagination of young people and ultimately change society’s values.
Subject Content
- Key themes in History and Geography: global considerations; multifaith and multicultural society; world-wide faith education and its impact on Aboriginal communities and education; Australian diversity & the role of non-English speaking and multilingual communities; immigration and anti-racism polices; policies and decisions affecting citizenship; Australian democratic system; civic and citizenship education; disabilities services; heritage education.
- Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) Syllabus (students develop knowledge, understandings, skills, and values and attitudes about people and their social and physical environments). The four strands (Change and Continuity; Cultures;Environments; Social Systems and Structures).
- Social justice, reconciliation and educational disadvantage: rural and remote communities; ESL; Australian Indigenous communities and kinship, consultation protocols and sensitivities; health & welfare inequalities; child protection agencies.
- Personal worldview development: the ethics vs Christian debate; values education; roles, relationships and dilemmas in various Christian education contexts; controversies in development of a faith based teacher’s philosophy.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders: pre-invasion; ancestor’s oral histories; archaeological evidence; colonization and contact history; impact of missions; Australia 1788-1900; role of non-English speaking and multi-lingual communities teaching and learning strategies; the impact of historical and current policies and practices; successful Australian Indigenous people; institutional education; self determination; self sufficiency.
- History and Geography syllabus and the Australian curriculum: epistemological and pedagogical theories that inform social sciences; teaching strategies; classroom environments; treatment of values; approaches to planning and assessment both formative and summative; incursions, excursions and field trips; authentic tasks; connectedness to learner; cross-curricular perspectives including literacy and numeracy components.
- The new NSW History K–10 syllabus (replaces the Change and Continuity strand in HSIE from 2015): Stage 1: present and past family life and past in the present; Stage 2: community and remembrance and first contacts; Stage 3: Australian colonies and Australia as a nation.
- The Australian Geography Curriculum (endorsed May 2013, may replace Cultures;Environments; Social Systems and Structures in HSIE at some point in future). Stage 1: features of places and people and places; Stage 2 places are similar and different and earth’s environment; Stage 3: features that shape places and diverse and connected world.
- Sustainable environmental biblical stewardship: global education; sustainability education; caring for Australia; care for the world; changing life patters for future generations.
This course may be offered in the following formats
- Face-to-Face
- Intensive
- Distance/ Global Online
Assessment Methods
- Forum Posts (20%)
- Minor Essay and YouTube Post (25%)
- Major Essay and Teaching Program (55%)
Prescribed Text
- References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.
Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references