History and Geography

Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the pre-service teacher seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the pre-service teachers’ worldviews.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EDU502
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Cassandra Pendlebury


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering History and Geography

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This subject provides in-depth exploration of the Learning Areas of History and Geography and opens prospects for integration with others. The study of History and Geography assists in the development of a deeper understanding of the pre-service teachers’ worldviews. Australia’s multicultural society is celebrated as the pre-service teacher seeks to inspire the young to care for their country and their world for future generations.


  1. Explain the importance of the History and Geography syllabus in the context of contemporary multi-faith societies and in the light of the pre-service teachers’ developing philosophy of Christian education;
  2. Critically appraise one’s own personal worldview in the light of changing society’s values nd the challenges engendered in teaching values in school;
  3. Critically analyse the historical development of Australian society, including Australian Indigenous history, and identify potential models for future peace and prosperity;
  4. Evaluate and contrast the development of the most recent Australian History and Geography -6 curricula with the latest NSW NESA syllabi;
  5. Construct programs for sustainable earth stewardship, according to the biblical mandate, that capture the imagination of young people and ultimately change society’s values.

Subject Content

  1. Key themes in History and Geography: global considerations; multifaith and multicultural society; world-wide faith education and its impact on Aboriginal communities and education; Australian diversity & the role of non-English speaking and multilingual communities; immigration and anti-racism polices; policies and decisions affecting citizenship; Australian democratic system; civic and citizenship education; disabilities services; heritage education.
  2. Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) Syllabus (students develop knowledge, understandings, skills, and values and attitudes about people and their social and physical environments). The four strands (Change and Continuity; Cultures;Environments; Social Systems and Structures).
  3. Social justice, reconciliation and educational disadvantage: rural and remote communities; ESL; Australian Indigenous communities and kinship, consultation protocols and sensitivities; health & welfare inequalities; child protection agencies.
  4. Personal worldview development: the ethics vs Christian debate; values education; roles, relationships and dilemmas in various Christian education contexts; controversies in development of a faith based teacher’s philosophy.
  5. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders: pre-invasion; ancestor’s oral histories; archaeological evidence; colonization and contact history; impact of missions; Australia 1788-1900; role of non-English speaking and multi-lingual communities teaching and learning strategies; the impact of historical and current policies and practices; successful Australian Indigenous people; institutional education; self determination; self sufficiency.
  6. History and Geography syllabus and the Australian curriculum: epistemological and pedagogical theories that inform social sciences; teaching strategies; classroom environments; treatment of values; approaches to planning and assessment both formative and summative; incursions, excursions and field trips; authentic tasks; connectedness to learner; cross-curricular perspectives including literacy and numeracy components.
  7. The new NSW History K–10 syllabus (replaces the Change and Continuity strand in HSIE from 2015): Stage 1: present and past family life and past in the present; Stage 2: community and remembrance and first contacts; Stage 3: Australian colonies and Australia as a nation.
  8. The Australian Geography Curriculum (endorsed May 2013, may replace Cultures;Environments; Social Systems and Structures in HSIE at some point in future). Stage 1: features of places and people and places; Stage 2 places are similar and different and earth’s environment; Stage 3: features that shape places and diverse and connected world.
  9. Sustainable environmental biblical stewardship: global education; sustainability education; caring for Australia; care for the world; changing life patters for future generations.

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face
  • Intensive
  • Distance/ Global Online

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  1. Forum Posts (20%)
  2. Minor Essay and YouTube Post (25%)
  3. Major Essay and Teaching Program (55%)

Prescribed Text

  • References will include the most current curriculum requirements for schools.

Check with the instructor each semester before purchasing any prescribed texts or representative references