Women and Men in Christian Ministry

Note: This subject replaced 'MIN530 Women and Christian Ministry' in June 2023.

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: MIN531
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Jacqueline Grey


The following are prerequisites requirements:

Awards offering Women and Men in Christian Ministry

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


  1. Critically evaluate the sociological and religious factors affecting gender roles throughout church history;
  2. Evaluate the role of the bible in the current debate over women in ministry and leadership;
  3. Analyse the contexts in which female and male  leaders operate in churches. This includes particular focus on Pentecostal contexts;
  4. Appraise the place of egalitarian leadership in contemporary church ministries;
  5. Assess the contribution of key Christian egalitarian leaders, across historical and cultural boundaries, that have influenced the perception of women in ministry; 
  6. Formulate a personal philosophy of egalitarian ministry.

Subject Content

  • Theological and societal foundations of understanding gender
  • The role of women and men in contemporary society
  • Feminism and women’s movements
  • Biblical foundations of egalitarian ministry
  • Theological models of women and men in ministry together
  • Pentecostal and Charismatic perspectives on egalitarian ministry
  • Women in the formation and growth of Australian Pentecostalism
  • Challenges and possibilities for egalitarian ministers

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Face-to-Face (onsite)
  • Distance/E-Learning (online)
  • Intensive (One week: 7 hours per day for 5 days = 35 class hours + approx 95 hours out of class time for research, writing, exam preparation and execution, ancillary activities associated with completion of assigned tasks.)
  • Extensive

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Major Essay (50%)
  • Interview Analysis (30%)
  • Forum Discussion (20%)

Prescribed Text

  • Primary readings provided