Research Methods
This subject is the foundational class for all MTh students. Students will be taught advanced research skills across the main disciplines of theological and ministry studies. They will also develop some of the early research of what will become their major project.
Quick Info
- Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
- Course code: RES601
- Credit points: 20
- Subject coordinator: U-Wen Low
Awards offering Research Methods
This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:
Unit Content
- Discuss the difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches to research;
- Formulate a research question and outline an appropriate research plan for data collection;
- Effectively construct and communicate a research project which will inform and enhance the selected research field
Subject Content
- Constructing a literature review
- Composing a research question
- Ethical issues in research
- Framing methodological orientations
- Quantitative approaches to research
- Statistical techniques in data interpretation
- Qualitative approaches to research
- Qualitative approaches in Biblical Studies
- Working with a supervisor
- Research philosophies
- Theological implications of research
- Writing for examiners
- An approach to research design
- Submission and review processes
This course may be offered in the following formats
- Face-to-Face (onsite)
- Distance/E-Learning (online)
- Intensive (Two weeks (not necessarily consecutive): 7 hours per day for 10 days = 70 class hours + 170 hours out of class time for research, writing, exam preparation and execution, ancillary activities associated with completion of assigned tasks)
- Extensive (10 days spread over the semester)
Assessment Methods
- Forum Posts (20%)
- Analysis and Critique of an Assigned Research Paper (15%)
- Research Proposal (25%)
- Research Essay (40%)
Prescribed Text
- Esterberg, K.G. Qualitative methods in social research. McGraw Hill, 2002.
- Jackson, S. L., Research methods and statistics: A critical thinking approach. Thomson/Wadsworth, 2006.
Check with your instructor before purchasing any textbooks
Representative References
- As relevant to the discipline, and agreed upon by advisor