Professional Supervision in Practice

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: SSC562
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Rebecca Loundar


The following courses are prerequisites:

Awards offering Professional Supervision in Practice

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content


  1. Develop knowledge, skills and techniques in supervision based on evidenced-based and best practice principles, promoting effective supervision;
  2. Deliver informed supervision appropriate to a range of settings, including individuals and groups;
  3. Appraise supervision dynamics and professional issues, recognising the value and importance of supervision
  4. relationships;
  5. Formulate an approach to ongoing professional development, self-care and wellbeing.

Subject Content

  • Knowledge, skills and techniques in professional supervision
  • Individual supervision
  • Group supervision
  • Professional dynamics (boundaries/dual relationships/transference)
  • Professional issues: ethical, legal and administrative
  • Challenging issues
  • Professional and pastoral supervision contexts
  • Professional development, self-care and wellbeing
  • Reflective practice and accountability
  • Evaluate effectiveness of supervision and the supervisory relationship

This course may be offered in the following formats

  • Onsite (face-to-face)
  • Online (e-Learning)
  • Intensives

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

  • Mock Supervision Sessions (50%)
  • Essay (25%)
  • Critical Reflection (25%)

Prescribed Text

  • Hawkins, P. & McMahon, A., 2020. Supervision in the helping professions. 5th edition. McGraw Hill

Please consult your instructor prior to purchasing any texts