HDR Candidate: Delport, Vicki

Title of Project Facilitating the progression of women into positions of senior leadership in the Australian Christian Churches: identifiying opportunities and obstacles
Course of Study Doctor of Ministry
Language of Instruction English

Australian Christian Churches (ACC), the nation’s largest Pentecostal denomination, was formed in 1937 as the Assemblies of God.  Its founding constitution affirmed God’s calling, gifting and empowerment for ministry, regardless of gender. Post-World War II, however, saw a significant decrease in the female leadership that had contributed to the movement’s development and in many ways, it has since struggled to facilitate the re-emergence of such leadership. This research will examine the ‘in-house’ challenges to women entering positions of senior leadership in the ACC. Drawing upon previous research and theoretical understandings, it hypothesises that barriers to women’s leadership are located in the movement’s theological beliefs, hermeneutical practices, gender values, institutional culture and organisational models. A quantitative study of ACC accredited ministers will investigate these five key areas, providing a measure of the beliefs, attitudes and practices that characterise the movement, and interviews with female ministers will offer greater insight into its everyday functioning. The project will identify factors that underlie the historical policy–practice dissonance in the ACC, articulate central issues regarding the challenges facing women entering positions of senior leadership and provide a framework for action to minimise challenges and increase opportunities for a fuller expression of women’s ministry and leadership in the ACC.