HDR Candidate: Chin, Young Hee

Title of Project Luke 4:16-19: A Theological and Socio-scientific Interpretation of Korean Diaspora in Australia for the Search of their Political and Social Identity (Re-interpreting the Holy Spirit and Gospel Accounts in the Gospel of Luke from the Perspective of Minjun
Course of Study Doctor of Philosophy
Language of Instruction Korean

This research interprets Luke 4:16-19 through a socio-scientific approach and a minjung theological perspective. In the text, ‘the Holy Spirit’ and ‘the Gospel’ are the two most significant theological pillars and are important theological themes that construct and form the entire Gospel of Luke. As mentioned above, the two biblical hermeneutical methodologies to be used in this research are Socio-scientific approaches and Minjung theology perspectives. First, through socio-scientific methodologies, this research investigates the social, economic, political, religious, and cultural circumstances in which the Lukan community was in. The socio-scientific approach is an interpretative methodology that studies the social, political, and cultural aspects of the Bible, and it uses the principles of hermeneutical criticism in the field of social science. The Gospel of Luke deals with the social context of the Roman Empire and the Mediterranean world, where the Lukan community belonged. Therefore, this research seeks to address the political aspects of Greco-Roman society, the behavior of people who lived in that era, and the structural problems between social classes.

Second, it interprets the socio-political situation of the Lukan community from Minjung theological viewpoints. Luke 4:16-19 is understood to deal with the socially disadvantaged and the underprivileged, who are interested in Minjung theology. On the other hand, Minjung theology overlooks the Holy Spirit and pneumatology, so this research attempts to supplement the benefits of these two theological themes. Furthermore, this research would compare the political and social backgrounds of Korean Diaspora in Australia today with those of the Lukan community in the first century AD. Throughout this research, I hope and expect to explore the political and social identity of the Lukan community under the Roman Empire and contribute to enhancing the current validity and popularization of Minjung theology and to shaping the formation of political and social identity of Korean diaspora in Australia.

Luke 4:16-19: A Theological and Socio-scientific Interpretation of Korean Diaspora in Australia for the Search of their Political and Social Identity (Re-interpreting the Holy Spirit and Gospel Accounts in the Gospel of Luke from the Perspective of Minjung Theology)