Professional Practice

Itching to connect the realm of the classroom with some real-life experience? Professional Practice is designed with just this aim in mind. Students will have the have the chance to engage academically with issues pertaining to their Major Specialisation (whether ministry or business) plus experience a hands-on placement.

Working with an experienced supervisory mentor (no family members or close friends!), students will complete a 100 hour placement over the course of semester, with a variety of formats to choose from. For instance, do you have a heart for pastoral ministry? You could complete 8 hours a week at your local church, working with a department pastor. Or perhaps you have visions of becoming the next CEO of World Vision? A block placement at a Christian organisation, working with a field specialist, could be the kick start needed. Alternatively, have you been wanting to make a difference while experiencing cross cultural ministry overseas? Your 100 hours could be served with an overseas mentor in a concentrated three or so weeks of professional practice. The sky is the limit!

Want to know more specifics? Go to 'Professional Practice' on moodle (login: Profexp1 )

Quick Info

  • Currently offered by Alphacrucis: Yes
  • Course code: EXP201
  • Credit points: 10
  • Subject coordinator: Joshua Newington


At least 40 credit points

Awards offering Professional Practice

This unit is offered as a part of the following awards:

Unit Content

Curriculum Objective

This unit incorporates learning experiences at a practical level as well as giving opportunity to reflect on both the practice and theory of their Major Specialisation. This reflection occurs with an appointed supervisor as well as the formal classroom situation. The mentoring would be with experienced personnel.


Students should be able to:

Appraise the key competencies required for the industry/field of the professional practice;

Apply these competencies to real-life contexts and workplace situations as appropriate to their experience;

Evaluate the development of their professional skills in the field of the professional practice;

Evaluate the realities of working in the industry/ field of the professional practice;

This course may be offered in the following formats

Observation, placement and supervision, reflection, journaling, interviews, class lectures.

Please consult your course prospectus or enquire about how and when this course will be offered next at Alphacrucis University College.

Assessment Methods

Workplace proposal 25% (1000 words)

Professional Portfolio 50% (2500 words)

Class Presentation 25% (15mins/1500 word write up)

Prescribed Text

Primary readings provided